Hello, everyone! My name is RaleighAllynn, but feel free to call me Ralz or Raleigh. I'm currently looking for one or two partners to help me flesh out some vague ideas that I have swirling around in this head of mine. [hider=First Idea] This idea can take place anywhere between the 70s to present, as it would fit really well in any of these settings. This roleplay will follow a male FBI agent(your character) and a female psychiatrist(my character) as they develop a profile and track down a serial killer that's been terrorizing Atlanta, GA. I expect this idea to have a lot of adult/mature themes, and be very, very, very dark at times. [/hider] [hider=Second Idea] I more or less stole this idea from the show Peaky Blinders, BUT still want to create something orginalish. So, this roleplay will take place somewhere in England or Scottland, and follow an up and coming street gang. They're heavily involved with the distilling of illegal spirits and underground fighting. We can be any number of characters, but I will be playing a young woman named Sophie. She is the younger sister of one of the gang's founders and is back in town after traveling around with a gypsy circus as a fortune teller. [/hider] These are the only two plots I'm looking for right now, and maybe only one person for each plot. If you have anymore questions, feel to message me or find me on discord @MissAllynn#2499. Though I will say I'm probably more responsive to discord.