[hr] [center] [i][b][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/50/e7/12/50e7125c8246538a963f4b08fbfb23c0.jpg] [b]The Grim Guardian[/b][/url] Highway 80 - North of the Holy City [/b][/i] [/center] [hr] [center][b][i]"Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a bird, stuck a cell in his clock and called in Macaroni..."[/i][/b] [/center] The Grim guardians did had to slow his usual pace, as the Heiress of the prophet was strolling next to him, seemingly in an excellent mood, as she was singing loudly, clapping her hands at times and sometimes even snapping her fingers. For him, it was incredible annoying to behold, yet he could do little to keep her from acting in this strange, enthusiastic way. Yet, as far as he knew, it had been the first time that she had been out of the Pitt, so her happiness seemed at least in some way justified. He still was wondering where she had learned about these songs though, as he never had seen anyone singing in the holy city itself. [center][b][i]"Yankee Doodle keep it up! Yankee Doodle dandy! Light the Mutant Family up and with the plasmagun be handy!"[/i][/b] [/center] The Guardian raised an eyebrow, as he was sure that nobody inside the cult would dare to sing such a verse, not with mutantions being seen as a sign of the Monoliths favor. Humming in the tune, Marie grinned wider as she began to move her hands to music seemingly only she could hear. [b]"Is the Heiress feeling alright?"[/b] He recived no answer, as the girl continued her tune. For a moment the Guardian considered to raise his hand to signal danger, only to finally get her to stop, yet she had a strange talent for seeing through lies. [center][b][i]"Father and I went down to bridge, Along with Colonel Sutler! There we saw the men and boys, as thick as nutrient pudding!"[/i][/b] [/center] Finally, even the Guardian could no longer take it. [b]"Will you finally stop singing, honored Heiress? I need to keep my attention on the road and on the noises around us!"[/b] For a moment, the girl simply looked at him, then tilted her head, a grin growing on her lips. [b]"StOp SiNgInG, hOnOrEd HEiReSS"[/b] Waving her guardian off, like some nasty fly, she sprinted forward on the road, forcing the guardian to rush after her. He cursed under his mask, as the heavy set warrior sprinted along the road. Years of cult activity had stripped it clean of any vehicles, and most ruins had been clubbed down, to find the wealth of copper and other metals hidden behind in the walls. Still close to the holy city, trouble was yet not to be expected, yet the roads still held its dangers. Thousands of words ran through the Guardians head, insults he wanted to scream at this brat, yet he could not let her out of his eyes for a second. The wound in his left leg burned, as he watched her run to the edge of the bridge, where once a river had crossed the land. The bridge had given in a long time ago, its carcass still shattered. Yet right on the edge, the Heiress stopped, and the Guardian had a chance to catch up. Looking down from the edge of the bridge, into the dry bed of the long-gone river, the Guardian saw what had stopped the heiress. [b]"Junkers..."[/b] The Guardian grunted, as he recalled this place once more, back when the bridge had been still standing tall. The world around it had looked so different back then, with a city being build on top of it, proudly defying the cult and the faith. Its ruins had burned so bright and high, that it could have been seen from the holy city itself. [b]"We need to walk another way, Heiress...would you be so kind and follow me?"[/b] Marie did not move, but instead silently stood at he edge of the bridge. [b]"Will Detroit at some point look like this? Or Chicago? Or New York?"[/b] The Guardian turned back to her, before nodding with a grin behind his mask. [b]"The whole world will look like this, honored Heiress, at least all who defy the true faith and the prophet!"[/b] The Guardian could not ignore the scowl and sour look on Maries face, as she looked at the ruins, while her hands formed fists. [b]"I see..."[/b]