[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9FwGT8r.png[/img][/center] Shockingly, catching the massive beast had apparently acted to calm it, and Hibiki was glad for the chance to place Sif down rather than continue to hold something that otherwise filled her vision with a wall of white fur. Of course, it was a wolf and not a person, so the seeming next step of trying to ask what it was doing became rather more difficult. But a giant wolf was [i]kind[/i] of like a giant dog, and so the magical girl went to the next step of trying to pet it whilst its head was still within reach. Which was [i]still[/i] something of a stretch. "Eheheh... I thought it might be dangerous, but it seems quite well behaved? Maybe someone trained them?" Sif was certainly an improvement on the Noise or especially the Nephilim... giant sword aside--and even that wasn't so giant compared to Tsubasa's attacks--there was nothing terribly otherworldly or nightmarish about it. Now that she could get a good look, it was a remarkably good looking beast. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hw7N8Qw.png[/img][/center] If Klaus remembered Leo's last reactions in a fancy restaurant--or had noted them in the first place--then he was too polite to say anything as he began eating, thinking over his words for a minute before answering Ennis. "I would normally give an answer about how we assisted law enforcement with difficult cases but here it would be too easy to look up the details. Leonardo and I are members of Libra, an organisation for maintaining the balance between Earth and the Alter-World, but the authorities don't always appreciate our activities. "Since we need some organisation for now that can operate independently from the UN, I went and found an appropriate site for an office. It will take longer to set up than Hellsalem's Lot, but at least this one shouldn't need to be rebuilt so regularly." For instance, Leo would normally have invited destruction onto the restaurant with his mere presence by now, not that Klaus followed him constantly enough to notice this. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lJMUATv.png[/img][/center] "You seemed more interesting than the soldiers," was Evangeline's excuse--though Tenshi was sidetracked by the arcade almost immediately. Not a bad place to go... she'd rather get a console or something, since arcades didn't tend to have RPGs, but she'd played plenty of arcade ports in her time. The [i]content[/i] of the games was another thing that had changed over time... and she was frustratingly rather lacking in the height department for playing some things effectively. She [i]could[/i] warn the pair that arcades were designed to make you keep losing and spending money. But what would be the fun in that? She'd just explain how arcades worked. And hope that they got past the row of crane machines without breaking into one for a prize.