As the onslaught of his firaja streams broke through the darkness of Rio’s dome of darkness, Jaakuna was pleased to not only see that his attack had worked in the best of ways, but when he glanced over at Emiri, she wasn’t in as much pain as he remembered. That one sight of her being pierced by one of Rio’s swords caught him off-guard, so he was thankful for Shion’s assistance (or so he assumed it was her assistance that helped Emiri). Whatever the case, he could return to finally putting the final nail in Rio’s coffin once and for all The Archadian Prince was about to throw all he had into one final offense until he felt Belias tug at him from within, stopping the blond where he stood. [color=ed1c24]“What?” [/color] [color=crimson][i]He stops. Something isn’t right.[/i][/color] It took Jaakuna just a moment to realize exactly what it was Belias was referring to. The batch of familiar mist signatures came at him like a ton of bricks. He knew who that was without even thinking about it. [color=ed1c24]“What’s Levi doing here?”[/color] [color=crimson][i]She did not come alone.[/i][/color] When Jaakuna questioned what Belias was referring to, he sensed something approaching the Utena headquarters, but he couldn’t tell where it was coming from. He caught several mist signatures approach. [color=ed1c24]“Three, four - how many are coming?”[/color] Jaakuna murmured, unsure what was happening exactly. And as the moment would pass, Jaakuna would get his answer. From a portal high above, the sounds of magick being shot out of it covered the immediate view above, lightning of various colors, pure, purple energy, and shots of non-elemental bullets suddenly became a rain of mist, all directed at Rio, which it likely took him by surprise. The next thing Jaakuna knew was smoke had gathered, sending him back as well, skidding just mere feet away from Emiri and Shion. [color=ed1c24]”Wait--what was that?”[/color] [color=cb0015][b]“WAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!”[/b][/color] The cloud of smoke caused by various forms of magick started to clear. And to his shock, Jaakuna saw four familiar faces - well, five. [color=ed1c24]“Well fuck me, what on Ivalice are you guys doing here?”[/color] Indeed, when the smoke cleared, there stood Dominic, Shinto, Lannit, and Isaiah with his Esper, Adrammelech. Dom stood behind them, Shinto had his gun raised and a cigarette in his mouth, Isaiah was in his Judge Magister armor with his sword emitting a golden static electricity, Lannit stood next to Isaiah with his Needle Gun, and The Wroth was hovering over them, letting out a proud roar. [color=goldenrod]“We’ve come to help you out,”[/color] Isaiah stated, earning a ‘dude!’ from Dominic. [color=ed1c24]“I appreciate the help, but why come now?”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“Things are not good around Ivalice.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“What do you mean?”[/color] [hr] [color=0f52ba]“As always, the princess simplifies the issue at hand,”[/color] Levi stated, scoffing at Nadeline. Wesley was slow on the uptake, it seemed. He was sure he would be the one to catch his beloved. Surprisingly, Grant beat him to the punch. That would be something he’d he to repay his friend for later. For now, however, Wesley would simply focus his energy on what was most important - such as what was happening in front of him at this very moment. Ren, the shy assassin from before, had appeared to be possessed by Rio, but based off what he also saw in front of him, of all people, the Esper, Zodiark was in the process of making sure that was no longer a problem. [color=fff79a]“If you don’t mind me asking, Levi, but what exactly is it that you’re doing here? I recognize you have your reasons, but is the situation so dire that it requires your...particular set of skills?”[/color] Levi glanced towards Wesley, smiling. She returned her eyes to the now-unconscious Ren. [color=0f52ba]“You lot have no idea what’s been happening outside, do you?”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Should we?”[/color] Michel coughed, [color=teal]“Lady Leviathan, if I may..”[/color] Levi nodded, shrugging. To Michel, that was her giving him the go-ahead. [color=teal]“While you and your band of Transcendents have been dealing with The Creature - better known as Rio Carona - things around Ivalice have taken a turn for the worse. What was previously a containable incident with the corrupting forces from Rio and the monsters around Ivalice just becoming slightly stronger, It’s a war zone out there. Everywhere from the Imperial and Royal capitals to the various wildlife areas of Ivalice have been overrun by these creatures of pure darkness. It’s become such a terrible ordeal that the three great kingdoms have come together to battle the common enemy.”[/color] If he was being honest, Wesley wasn’t sure how what has happened here had any effect on what was happening throughout Ivalice. [color=fff79a]“I thought the Utena Headquarters protected Ivalice? Or was I mistaken?”[/color] [color=teal]“Lady Shion has ensured that wards were laid around our home, yes, but they were destroyed when Jackson and Rio decided to go all out. I’m afraid, if this keeps up, the Ivalice we knew will be no more.[/color]” Michel stated rather grimly. [color=fff79a]“We have to stop the fight, then!”[/color] Just as Wesley was about to head back, a wall of black stopped him. [color=0f52ba]“You will do no such thing,”[/color] Levi declared, turning around with a hand on her hips. [color=fff79a]“If we do not stop them--”[/color] [color=0f52ba]“You didn’t let Michelangelo finish. Yes, he said things topside are bad, but what he didn’t say - what I’m sure he’s beating himself over with - is that measures have been taken to ensure that this issue will be temporarily taken care of while Jaakuna handles Rio,”[/color] Levi informed him, assuring Wesley there was nothing to worry about. [color=0f52ba]“And if it makes you feel any better, my being here isn’t just about what’s happening around our homes.”[/color] Wesley raised an eyebrow, curious about what she meant by that. [color=0f52ba]“You, me, and the Princess should have a talk. [i]Alone.[/i]”[/color] She gestured Nadeline and Wesley to follow her, waving her arm, causing Zodiark’s eyes to flash. They were suddenly surrounded by slate gray smoke, separating them from Grant and Savayna.