[@myinneroblivion] The only thing we have to note about your sheet is that rather than having her wander around the woods alone for a while, they would have Cerebro'd her and picked her up. We think that's a better choice than having her be alone for so long. If you change that, she's in. =) [@golani] You should have four negative traits in total, also you don't have to put NPCs in the relations sheet. The relations sheet is for other player characters, to be added after we've got our cast together. If you add two, she's in! :) [@Burning Kitty] First off, we'd like it if you go back and fix your formatting for your sheet. The coding and everything is already set up in the character skeleton you copied. We also feel like 'abrasive,' 'confrontational,' and 'issues with authority' are pretty similar personality traits. 'Will not kill children' isn't really a personality trait, it's more a code of honor. They also won't be killing [i]anyone[/i]. We'd also prefer if you could adjust her timeline so that she's been at the school for a few years now; we'd like everyone to know each other fairly well. If you could also edit the relations sheet to follow formatting we'd appreciate that too, and there shouldn't be any NPC characters in there. Lastly, I'm not sure that the X-Men as a whole would go and investigate/find her; maybe Logan went on his own. Please talk with us before mentioning canon heroes in your character's history, like the character notes section in the characters tab says. [@Poleski] In both the negative and positive trait sections, you have a stray one. Please remove those. After reading your sheet, we weren't sure if she was picked up by the school or not, but we kind of assume she is. Also, we talked about it, and we think it best if you remove most of the tattoos she has -- you can keep the 'remember dad' one, but the others are a bit much for a seventeen year old girl. We suggest maybe a journal or something similar she carries around? Lastly, and this isn't necessarily something you need to change, I just personally noticed that her power might be more negatives than positives? Just not sure if this is what you're going for. [@CaptainMarvel] your character is approved, as we have no issues with her. welcome to the team. [@Silver Carrot] what's up carrot fuck you get out of my roleplay i'm jk you know i love you. only things we have to say is that no one is gonna call her dr. williams ;p Also, I'm a little worried that her power might make her less than prominent in combat scenes. I don't want you to feel left behind! [@Hushed Whispers] We think she should have worked Jean rather than Charles. Charles was very old at the time and very hands-off, where Jean would have been hands-on. [@Dusty] Your character is pretty much fine; you can move him over, but we [i]are[/i] a little concerned about power levels. Hydrogen bombs in particular are pretty powerful, and we don't want any Omega level mutants or any one character to be overbearingly powerful. Thanks guys! The cast looks great so far, we didn't have too many complaints — certainly not anything major, just a few things we noticed here and there. If you have any questions or comments about our reviews, feel free to PM us or ask here publicly. Thanks! =)