Ed did not fail to notice Sofie's kindness when he woke up that morning. While he didn't mention it to her, ever since that day, the two worked together on friendlier terms. Ed wanted to learn more about her, but more often than not, homework got in the way, as did the chronic sleeplessness. They settled on a daily routine - Sofie made breakfast since she got up early, and Ed made dinner since he got back early. Homework they did together, and their instructors always complimented them on their quality and timeliness. When the externship began, Ed and Sofie were the first ones selected for starship duty. Their first assignment was at the helm aboard the Raving Maiden. The transport's former helmsmen were arrested for Piloting Under the Influence, and their captain, Richard Darcy, was strapped for cash and couldn't hire an experienced crew. "So we're slaves, in other words," Ed clarified, crossing his arms. Darcy shrugged and slipped his hands in his pockets. "I prefer to think of it as a non-monetary exchange, barter, if you will. You get free helm experience, I get free helmsmen. Win-win! Come on, it's a sweet deal." Ed gave him The Look, and held it for a few seconds before allowing himself to smirk. "Aww, okay, I won't push it. Deal." They shook hands and made to board the Raving Maiden. Unlike starships in other nations, where function took priority over form, Crescent manufacturing processes were so advanced that both form and function were attended to in equal measure. Thus, even a lowly vessel like this one looked more like luxury liners or battleships. The Raving Maiden was highly modified, with very little of her original baby-blue colors left on the hull, revealing the natural muted ebony of her semi-organic construction. "Arrowhead on the base of a teardrop. That's what she looks like," Ed concluded aloud. "I've seen pictures of the type on the internet, bt never seen it up close. She's a beautiful ship." Darcy gave him a laugh and a playful slap upside the head. "Don't suck up to me, boy. Go read the manual. It's over there in the glove box, under the copilot's console." He turned to Sofie and sized her up. "Well well, what do we have here? Honestly, girl, you look like you could kill a man a thousand different ways with your bare hands. You gonna be okay?"