[@Dynamo Frokane] You ever saw the discord arena? You had a group of people who didn't participate in anything here shitting up the joint over stuff they personally didn't like. The arena is caked with some bullshittery off the jump and I experienced that just hosting a tournament on it. Inkarnate is trying to reason with you on the basis that the critiques of the arena shouldn't be taken any further than just that, but you cannot have both where you want insight but then snub commentary from others even if it's outside. You want to improve the arena? Kick out Rilla. That's straight facts. Your arena doesn't have an updated stats and no real uniformity. People can get away with stuff all the time at least up until a specific point. There's no incentive to play unless there was a tournament and 2 tournaments out of 3 failed miserably from 2017 to this year. There's no organization. Players don't want to compete and try-hard because it "isn't fun" but then likewise want to be in the arena -- a whole section dedicated to try-hards and winning. Arena regulars and its critics have the same issue and that's snobbery and elitism. There's an outreach missing because neither group gives it each other a chance. I had good interactions with Inkarnate and a few non-arena regulars as well as made new contacts with some of the arena players, but all of whom were nice, reserved, and easy going. Toxicity in "arena" play exist for a select group of people, but generally the rest of us can coexhist with one another even if we don't agree with each other. There's toxicity in the other sections (I got some info on that Expanding Horizons and nonsense pooling from other sections) so really it isn't a natively arena thing. Start with redoing the entire stat section Make Rilla step up or step out. Arena needs a moderator who wants to push things forward Arena roleplay should be encouraged (story incentive for those who don't understand how free-form works) Organization (get players to book matches, establish default rules if any, profile sheets) Do something about players who aren't about that arena but contribute to its drama (one of those people were dealt with thanks guild)