[quote=@GreenGrenade] On the Island, Ollie would’ve been a definite contender for Green, if not Red. Right about now, I’d say he’s somewhere between Green and Indigo. And uh... [@Master Bruce] can have Felicity. Queen Industries had some layoffs recently and she’s also been evicted and banned from entering California. Dunno why, she must be pretty shady. Also, switching to the topic my deadline real quick, my birthday’s coming up real soon and celebrations are taking up pretty much the majority of the next week, starting with tomorrow, so I dunno how I’ll go with meeting it. I’ll see if I can write something up before hitting the sack. Apparently, eighteenths are a big thing around here. Who knew? [/quote] Congrats. You're old enough to start pretending to be a man, but not old enough to drink like one. [i][sub]Also I am [b]not[/b] introducing Felicity, goddammit. I may be capable of writing multiple characters, but a shrieking harpy who only seems to exist to criticize every single thing the main character (stupidly) does is not one of them. Even if her actress does got that badonk-a-donk.[/sub][/i]