[@Doc Doctor] “I’m getting old, Donny… too old to take care of bullshit for myself anymore. These days I have other people take care of the bullshit.” Pycin takes a sip of his rum, and continues; “Thing is, I’d have my own men do this job, but they won’t. No Quatis man, woman or child would even dream of killing an admiral.” He looks soberly down into the brown liquid of his glass like an old wizard reading the future in a potion he’d made. “I don’t know where you’re from, Donny. I don’t know how you got out here. What I do know is that this space is far from the likes that you call home. But that’s okay….” He takes another sip of his drink and looks at Donny again. “The important thing is you know how to take care of yourself. Your tools may be primitive, but you can somehow manage to put our security to shame. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind seeing how you’d fair against one of our elite soldiers. Would prove quite entertaining, and maybe sort of the reason why I brought you here today.” Finishing his drink, he leans across and take the bottle, filling his glass once more before easing back in his seat to continue in a lowering tone; “You’ve met my Admiral, Dino Gavon. The man that shot you in the back and sent you to our medical bay.” He then nods to the holographic image of the woman and child on his desk for reference. “This is my wife and little girl, or at least they were until Dino Gavon got them both killed. Don’t get me wrong, Donny, he didn’t kill them outright, but he might as well have. I won’t bore you with too many details, as you probably don’t want to know in any regard. But you see, Dino was fucking my wife for the last year or so before she died. Naturally, Dino didn’t think I knew about it. But that’s not the point at the moment…. Point is, her relationship with the man distracted her at the wrong time, one thing led to another, and as a result both she my daughter were stranded on Quatis when Hany’s Ribbon struck. …They were meant to be safe with me right here on this ship.” Pycin takes a long, deep breath. Another sip of rum. If one looked hard enough they could see the emotion trying to break his rock hard façade. “Donny…. No doubt a man even of your own pedigree would understand the need for security in life, without the constant need to be looking over your shoulder, and I’m the man who can make that happen for you, Donny. You can have your past transgressions towards the Quatis removes. You could have free reign among the Quatis fleet, join the ranks of the superior officers if want, live as a civilian, come and go as you please, have your own place to live, all the food and pussy you can eat – and you know how us men just love the taste of those tentacles, am I right? Hell, Donny, I’d even be willing to give you your very own personal space ship… and all I have to do to make that happen is say the word….” For the first time Pycin shows some real emotion, though only the faintest of grins, as he added; “And all [i]you[/i] have to do is kill Dino Gavon.”