[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/c4b07364b807a43e9c3c95664cfb7ee1.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Shiganshina District, Wall Maria[/b] City Rooftops[/color][hr][/right] [indent][color=D9C495][i]This fuckin' sucks.[/i][/color] The thought was one that crossed Adè's mind as she jumped from the top of Siegfried Hauser's place of business: the old bakery that Adè herself had spent a lot of time near throughout her childhood. All of the times she had stolen a piece of bread from underneath old Siegfried's nose seemed to flash before her eyes in an instant. The taste of wheat and rye would probably never taste the same, especially considering she had seen old Siegfried get crushed only a few minutes prior as he tried to scramble through the panicked crowd. It hadn't even been the monsters that had got him, it had been the boots of his friends and countrymen. It made the blonde-haired girl wonder about how many people had met the same fate. Her father was one of the people responsible for getting the people out of the city and protecting them. Could he have slipped and met a similar fate? Did the titans get him? Would he even be able to meet her at the docks? [color=D9C495][b]“Don't think like that, stupid.”[/b][/color] She uttered, lecturing herself under her breath. She could see the docks. She just had to get there. There was no way her father wouldn't meet her there. [/indent]