I can’t criticize 15 for trying something new, but it felt like the story was especially lackluster, the gameplay was only just ok, and the massive overworld was obnoxiously empty for its size. Honestly I’m just sick of huge overworlds at this point. Final fantasy 12 had big areas, and travel was absolutely horrendous, but I think the game had so much more going for it in terms of story and characters. But 12 also feels like On of the more unique titlrs in the series with how different it is stylistically from most other games. It was like somewhere around XI and XII the series started to change. I think it was for the best, but XV barely even felt like a Final fantasy title to me. That and the most fun I had in that game was fishing. XV is a good example of something that sacrifices gameplay and identity for cinematics. XII and XIII did thid too, with XIII being possibly the worst title to date imo