[@Strong Potato] "But I told you my name." Dog said as he stoop to pick up the scrap of paper Mikkish had dropped and read it while walking. "I told you my name when we met." [@Dealdric] "I told ya, it's Dog." He looked down at himself. "As for necromancy, maybe? I think it's called mad science we're I'm from. They grew me in a tube. Or they put me in a tube and I came out like this...they never tell us anything about how we're made." Dof was beginning to cotton on to the fact that whatever was happening down here was something...else. Weirder that some kind of weapons test. These guys, well, it was getting pretty clear that they weren't other experiments from other labs. He didn't even think they lived on the same planet. "Oh man, you guys don't think we've been abducted by aliens do you?"