[@Dealdric][@Shadow Dragon][@Strong Potato][@Gentlemanvaultboy] "I'm pretty sure Maniacles Corporation did this. They always do shit like this." Mikkish declared with certainty. Since they had arrived on this floor, their superpowers, weapons, and bloodlust combined took out the masses of zombies. Thats not to say they got rid of all of them, but the ones that remained were either stumbling around in some corner, or amassed in a random, unimportant area. No longer were the hordes too thick to safely move through, but instead a coat of maggot infested viscera carpeted the floor. Gore and death was nothing new to Mikkish, and neither were macabre horrors. What bothered him was how much of it there now was. He cringed. Eventually, they made their was to a Macy's, which was interesting because if this was some prison or experiment, people actually took the time to open a store and stock it with all this clothing. A few zombies did linger around here, but more importantly, Mikkish spotted a man in what looked like a cop uniform running into the back. Funny, now it was him chasing the cops down. "Hey!" Mikkish called, but then something even more strange happened. The back wall...opened to what looked like...another elevator. The cop got in and the elevator then left.