[b][h3]Gunsmith[/h3] Bangkok, Thailand. [/b] [hr] Gunsmith stood slightly behind Argonaut, letting the other man's shields take the gunfire, examining the chaos as it unfolded. It would be an annoying fight, but nothing incredibly difficult. The suits weren't nearly enough to stop all of them, the trained soldiers would be cut down like chaff, and the metas were already being dealt with. The only one's who would be a problem were the ex-shadow assassins, and Vortex was already dealing with two of them while Cheshire and his group would be equipped, either through skill or enhancements, to deal with the rest. Gunsmith raised his arm, his railgun deploying, and fired a blast into the crowd of those soldiers with exosuits. He doubted they had enough armor to actually resist it, but if they did it would at least stun them for a bit to give them an advantage. [b]"Alright, priority targets: ex-Shadow assassins, Metas, Exo-suits, everyone else. Keep an eye out for the invisible murderers, they'll probably be focusing you."[/b] A series of confirmation and then they were gone, their cybernetics tearing through the soldiers. With his own squad heading into the fray, Gunsmith raised his shotgun and headed into the battle, bullets bouncing off of his armor as he unloaded his shotgun into the enemy, waiting for an assassin to try to attack. He wasn't so foolish as to let bloodlust distract him, and he wasn't so green to let some trained soldiers occupy his full attention. [hr] [color=palevioletred][h3]Therma[/h3] Chihuanhuan Desert, Mexico[/color] [hr] Therma looked at Nova, an eyebrow arched behind her mask. [color=palevioletred]"I mean, I'm not opposed, but shouldn't you buy me dinner first?"[/color] Her wisecrack was soon drowned out by the woman's cybernetics going haywire and her screaming. Therma's first reaction was one of confusion and mild panic, before she realized just how much heat whatever was happening was producing. [color=palevioletred]"What are you-you're insane!"[/color] Still, she drew all the heat offered into her body. She focused on making sure she didn't draw [i]all[/i] the woman's body heat out. She wasn't sure how that would affect a robot (cyborg? She really wasn't sure what the doctor was) but figured it couldn't be good. As around 650 degrees C of heat entered her, Therma could feel the power flowing through her veins, and with it the high. She grinned wildly behind her mask, winking at Nova. [color=palevioletred]"Don't need to tell me twice, Sparky! I'll make sure to slap you if you pull my hand to your breasts again."[/color] She stood up, ready to tear through the enemy, when Perseus started nagging at her. Therma rolled her eyes, making sure the motion was carried through her head so that he would know. He was such a drag, putting her on clean up duty when she had this much power burning in her body. [color=palevioletred]"Relaaaaaax Percy! It's [i]fire[/i]. I'll have it all dead and gone in a jiff, and then you can save the day, or somethin'."[/color] Therma leapt forward into the middle of the lab, laughing aloud as she drew the heat from the flames into her. The fires all around the lab began to sputter and die, their heat being drawn away. Bullets clattered off her armor, but Therma was heedless. She could [i]feel[/i] her power rising, and with it, her high. In a few moments, the fires were all gone and Therma moved towards the mechs, her arm blades out and glowing with their heat. [color=palevioletred]"Come on, come on! Time to turn all of you back to scrap and ash!"[/color] She sliced through one, the robot exploding, rushing the others with another cackle.