[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UmLPAXf.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180707/1d50f363a36c7e98c93b5def3b819485.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/3bf8066fc8e2b7bee3da1eccb4f05238/tumblr_p0jmpvdOu51wk18pko4_400.png[/img] [color=35996B]Still I am not from Barcelona, I am not even from Madrid. I am a native of the North Pole And that can mess up any kid.[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/sI5XG7i.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] The first week of school had gone by in a blur, nothing much to mention but the crushing weight of the huge corse load Archer had taken on this year. It was the year before college after all, but man was he feeling it. But now that it was the weekend Archer pushed all of that to the back of his mind and spent the afternoon at the beach with his best friend. While Mari surfed the daylight away Archer sat under a parasol [i]“watching”[/i] her surf, so basically reading at the beach for a couple of hours. After dropping his friend at her house Archer was on his way to his own home but rather than turning his car on to his driveway he kept going past. He just couldn’t be bothered sitting through yet another stiff dinner with his parents. He instead drove around Crown Heights listening to music and figuring out where to go and what to do. But like always he ended up in the same place he always does [b]“The Print and The Pot”[/b], a bookstore that sells secondhand and new books. Inside there is also a little coffee shop where you can enjoy what you’ve purchased. This is where Archer spent most of his teenage years in lieu of being in his own home. He had been there for some time when his phone rang, checking the screen he groaned mentally when he saw it was his mother. He begrudgingly answered the call [color=35996B]“Hey mom?”[/color] [color=20573A]“Archie, where are you? Dinner is waiting for you!”[/color] His mother’s voice rang out from the receiver with a mix of worry and annoyance. [color=35996B]“I’m at P&P, getting stuff for school.”[/color] This was a lie of course, he had gotten all he needed a month ago. [color=20573A]“So you’re not eating at home? You could’ve called to let me know!”[/color] The annoyance in her voice had now taken over. Archer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. [color=35996B]“I’m sorry mom… I forgot I guess”[/color] Archer offered as a measly excuse. He could hear his mother’s disappointed sighs from the other side of his phone, [color=20573A]“I’ll see you back at the house then, bye sweetie.”[/color] she said and hung up. Archer stared down at his phone, guilt swelling up inside him. When he finally arrived back at the Diedrikson villa, his book bag a lot heavier than before, he rushed up to his room without even agnolishing his parents in the front room. After a quick hot shower and a change in to his comfy clothing, he was finally sat in his bay window with his new leatherbound notebook scribbling away his thoughts. He was really happy that his friends had decided not to go to Santiago’s party.