Now properly mounted on Torus' back as if he were a horse, Parum was much more comfortably fighting. In fact, she felt better mounted then on the ground. She wondered about investing in a mount, perhaps a fast horse or even a riding dog. But that wasn't important right now; they needed to deal with the last surviving cultist before he goes back to get more allies. Parum was angry that she didn't have any hard hitting spells to use right now, but at least he didn't go out of her vicious mockery range. [color=7ea7d8]"Loreat hefoc wer faessi wux re! Si tepoha ocuirtor Kobolds mrith throdenilt kalith!"[/color] Parum struck a tune again, focusing her magics to crawl into the cultist's mind to scramble his brains and end him rightly. [hider=Rolls] [color=7ea7d8]"Loreat hefoc wer faessi wux re! Si tepoha ocuirtor Kobolds mrith throdenilt kalith!"[/color] = "Die like the coward you are! I have seen Kobolds with more courage!" Parum casts Vicious Mockery, will save DC 13 or the cultist will take [url=]2[/url] points of damage. Maybe Parum should start carrying a shortbow. [/hider]