I will work on House Tyrell periodically. Here's a WIP if need be: [hider=House Tyrell] [color=gray][center][hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180823/66ddfd0c4e4d8e17fc76758bd0dead4c.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/U0DxMiW.png[/img] [sub][color=6B8F5F]Luthor Tyrell (Henry Cavill), The Castle of Highgarden, and Olenna Redwyne (Sarah Bolger)[/color][/sub][/center] [hr][b][color=6B8F5F]Current Leadership:[/color][/b] [indent]Lord Luthor Tyrell is the current ruler of The Reach. He has ruled as such since his father passed away in his sleep thirteen years ago. Luthor's rulership has been firm, though some would argue that Luthor has a lack of wit that makes diplomacy a little challenging. Critics of Luthor would call him an abrasive oaf while allies would consider him a strong and firm leader albeit with his shortcomings. The grandson of [url=https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Leo_Tyrell_(Longthorn)]Leo “Longthorn” Tyrell[/url], Luthor has had a lot of expectations placed upon him from his father and distant relatives – and that's without taking into account the people of the Mander. Luthor has been often described as short-sighted and impulsive. Though these assertions are exaggerations of some level, they are not entirely incorrect. Luthor is one of the first in a long line of Tyrell lords who doesn't comprehend the greater scheme of planning and court intrigue, preferring rather to deal with a problem head-on and to negotiate with no pretenses or lies. This pigheadedness and blunt point-of-view is not unique to Luthor; his younger brother Garth is similar in many ways with some courtiers mentioning that he's actually more obstinate and coarse than Luthor is. This aside, Luthor isn't unintelligent; though he is most certainly less astute than his other siblings. But that much goes without saying given Gormon is in service of The Citadel and Moryn is considering extending his service to Lord Hightower, a man Moryn has served dutifully since he became his squire some ten or so years ago.[/indent] [b][color=6B8F5F]Ruler Backstory:[/color][/b] [indent]Luthor Tyrell was born in Highgarden to his parents, Lord Paramount Denys Tyrell and Lady Melara Merryweather in 225 AC. In 247 AC, he was married to Olenna Redwyne; whom he had met years ago when she was betrothed to Daeron Targaryen. They would have their first children one year later when Olenna bore twins. Their first son, Mace, would not be born until nearly a decade later. [/indent] [b][color=6B8F5F]House Members:[/color][/b] [indent][color=white][b]Luthor Tyrell[/b][/color] [indent]The Lord Paramount of the Mander & the Reach, Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South, and the grandson of Leo “Longthorn” Tyrell. 34.[/indent] [color=white][b]Olenna Tyrell (nee. Redwyne)[/b][/color] [indent]A small yet alluring woman and the sister of the current Lord of the Arbor and Luthor's wife. A politically savy woman with razor sharp wit. With Luthor she has birthed three children. 31.[/indent] [color=white][b]Gormon Tyrell[/b][/color] [indent]The eldest of Luthor's three brothers and a current noble studying at The Citadel. 30.[/indent] [color=white][b]Garth Tyrell[/b][/color] [indent]Luthor's most brutish and foolhardy brothers so much to the point it makes Luthor himself appear as subtle and politically minded. He serves as the Lord Seneschal of Highgarden. 27.[/indent] [color=white][b]Goryn Tyrell[/b][/color] [indent]Luthor's youngest brother and a young man in service to Lord Leyton Hightower. A skilled swordsman who has been anointed as a knight. 23.[/indent] [color=white][b]Marissa Tyrell[/b][/color] [indent]Luthor's only sister, unwed and Luthor's direct opposite. Currently serves as a trusted advisor to Luthor until he finds someone he approves of to have her hand in marriage. 17.[/indent] [/indent] [b][color=6B8F5F]Major Vassals:[/color][/b] [indent]Lord Cerywyn Crane Lord Denys Ashford Lord Desmond Florent [url=http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Leyton_Hightower]Lord Leyton Hightower[/url] Lord Hosman Footly Lord Lucan Fossoway Lord Medwick Meadows Lord Meribald Rowan Lord Owain Tarly [url=http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Owen_Merryweather]Lord Owen Merryweather[/url] Lord Petyr Redwyne Lord Renly Oakheart Lord Turgon Westbrook Lord Randyll Wythers[/indent][/color] [/hider]