[@CmdrAlfieq][@Hokum] [b]As Ernest[/b] [i]Perhaps I did not sufficiently think through my speech.[/i] Ernest thought to himself. [i]Or maybe these people are just selfish fools. I don't really have any way of knowing.[/i] The ship lets out another message. Again it's very loud, hopefully loud enough to get over the commotion. "I understand that you are very stressed. However, fighting amongst yourselves will only make the situation worse. Cease this chaos and establish an orderly method of boarding my hull immediately, or I will be forced to choose who gets on myself." As he said that, several repair pods pop out. They have their weapons ready. Ernest has no intention of firing upon the citizens, they aren't even pointed at anyone, he just has those guns ready to get a point across. [i]Miss May, if you can still hear me, I must apologize for this cruel behavior. But I need to get these people to listen... I'd save more if them if I could...[/i] [hr] [@CmdrAlfieq][@Hokum] [b]As Rodia[/b] Lars is a bit offended that the MASGC reacted with hostility. His next message: "How rude of you to assume we are hostile! Is this how you react to everyone? Look, you can scan our station if you want. There are no sizable weapons on Rodia itself, nor do we have much control over the station itself. The only thing we can do is maintain orbit, any relocation would have be caused by an outside source, such as the giant space bomb exploding right next to us. So, if that's not enough to convince you that we did not intentionally come here to harm you, I don't know what is. In fact, we were going to try to open up trade with you if we both survived Hany's Ribbon! Although, I don't think our leader, Siren, is going to continue this offer now that she has learned that you threatened us." [@Hokum] [b]And as Siren[/b] Siren and Rorod are in the engine room, trying to see if there is any way to overload the engines and get some extra prepoltion out of them. Siren has decided against electrocuting them with her hair, since those things are probably already using more energy than she can produce anyway. They might be able to redirect energy from other parts of Rodia into the engines, but that won't be enough to get them far enough away from the explosion. [hr] [@Hokum] [b]As Ramrod[/b] Ramrod is kinda grossed out by some of the plants. Surprisingly, he is mostly unfazed by the orange one that is following him. The fact that it is orange is probably the most surprising thing about that specific plant. Ramrod is surprised and mildly amused to find the girl that was screaming for help was actually a guy. "Mraoh, mraoh mraoh. Mraoh mraoh." (Yes, I am in fact a plush toy. Good observation.) Ramrod said, despite the fact he knows that this guy shouldn't be able to know what his mraohs mean. Of course the Forte understood him, so maybe this guy does too? "Mraoh, mraoh" (Sure, I can help you) Ramrod then starts producing that weird, sticky, sticky stuff from his paws that I haven't been able to properly use yet. Ramrod is too light to be able to pull a fully ground man out of quicksand so he ties one end ot the material to a nearby rock and throws the other end to the guy so he can pull himself out.