[quote=@Father Hank]Really? I don't feel that at all. I stopped participating in Casual about five years ago and every time I've tried to go back, the roleplays have too many people participating that roleplay at a level I'm not comfortable with. It's not about their English skills or even their writing skills but the characters they make and the things those characters do. It's often so immature that I just can't be bothered. On the other hand I also only participate in two Advanced RPs with some very strict application procedures (to the point that I was myself rejected the first time I applied to one of them). My experience might be skewed towards the absolute "best" (or most elitist, depends on how you look at it) the Guild has to offer.[/quote] [b]This.[/b] Particularly as a GM, I've come to really value what I can get from players in terms of storytelling, worldbuilding, and character creation quality. While I [i]theoretically could[/i] get that from the casual section, with a much larger audience to draw from to boot (and as a GM that audience is massively tempting), but I would have to be [i]more[/i] of a hardass in a section supposedly with lower bars to pass, in order to run a roleplay that is worthwhile in my eyes. And for the record I am already a bit of a hardass of a GM (and it's honestly tainted my ability to put up with a ton of things a lot of GMs here do). The audience that frequents Advanced is a population I can innately expect to bring what I'm looking for without having to weed through a lot of sheets that don't. I don't uphold length standards the way a lot of Adv. section RPs do but I can't reliably get the kind of thoughtful writing I want elsewhere. I want content to be meaningful; it should have a clear purpose to its inclusion. To name a few major ones: it should advance the current story, it should expand upon the picture of the scene, or it should develop the character in some way. Disclaimer: list is far from inclusive. Like [@Odin] said, Casual often contains decisions in posts that scratch heads, don't fit, or otherwise feel like they served no meaningful purpose to the larger picture. That and in my own experience (anecdote warning) I often recall seeing decisions that were rather selfish, serving to push one character's story along to the detriment or exclusion of others. Just by being around that I ended up doing it sometimes myself, and I think catching myself doing it is more frustrating than someone else doing it, because I like to think that I can be better than that.