[hider=Eileen Tate] Name: Eileen Tate Gender: Female Age: 44 Appearance: [img]https://www.alternet.org/sites/default/files/styles/story_image/public/story_images/shutterstock_369430454.jpg?itok=dDYtmmr-[/img] Eileen is a unremarkable Caucasian woman of average height and weight with brown hair and brown eyes. She prefers business professional wear. Nothing about her is memorable or stands out in any way. Personality: Eileen is quiet, unambitious, and more than a little shy. She prefers to keep her head down and be get through the day and is perfectly happy to be ignored. Bio: Eileen grew up in what most people would call a broken home. The youngest of four, her mother left at a very young age and her father was a drunken brute who struggled to hold down a job longer than a few months at a time. He took out his frustrations on his children, usually with words and occasionally with his fists. Eileen discovered quickly that if her father didn't notice her she would be spared her wrath, and developed a quiet personality as a result. Her grades were unexceptional, she never stood out in school. Shortly after graduating she got an unremarkable office job, another face in a towering skyscraper, that she has stayed in for over twenty years. Nothing exciting has ever happened to her and she intends to keep it that way. Power: Eileen has not yet realized she has the ability to cause her body, clothing, and any items on her person to grow. As she increases in size, her weight, strength, and durability also increase- the second two at a much higher rate to prevent her body from collapsing altogether. As she is currently unaware of this power the upper limits are not yet known. Likes: Cats, Thai food, that smell after rain, mystery novels, being ignored Dislikes: Dogs, public speaking Family: Eileen has lost touch with her siblings and has no desire to speak to her father. Friends: None. She lives alone and doesn't go out. Sentimental Attachment: None. Weapon: Whatever happens to be lying around [/hider]