[@Concept] So I have a couple questions about the mediums and magic concept. 1) What objects are determined as "mediums?" Are they only things that belong to the character him/herself or could I just pick up a stick in the forest and use that as a medium? 2) When you use a medium to cast a spell, does the medium then break? Or does it slowly wear down after being used for a long period of time? Can you recharge mediums or do they just last forever once you find one? 3) Is there a point system for magic and spells? Like a firestorm for example could cost/be worth 1000 points whereas just a single fireball could cost/be worth say 200? 4) Can you level up mediums be be able to handle stronger spells? 5) What happens to my character if I lose my medium and try to cast a spell anyway? Is it instantly going to kill me or does it just weaken me? I know it's a lot of questions but I need to know so I don't make myself look stupid with my character posts later and so I can build my CS properly. Thank you!