I've been lurking a bit too long, so I suppose it's time that I weigh on this. Now, whether or not this thread has run its course or not is not a concern to me. I just want to give my two cents. [b]Free[/b] [indent]I've never dabbled in Free. Nothing against those who do, but I just never saw myself as a free roleplayer. I like my RPs to move at decent pace but nothing that exceeds 3-4 pages every day. That's too fast for Tundy.[/indent] [b]Casual[/b] [indent]Like Haley, Casual is my home as well. A majority of my current roleplays, as well as the roleplays I've done in my 5+ years here, have been conducted in casual. Of course, there's a small handful of RPs I've been apart of that were in Advanced. I just feel as though my writing style, expectations, and overall comfortability falls within the casual section. [/indent] [b]Advanced[/b] [indent]I've dabbled here a few times. Nowadays, there isn't much of a difference than casual. The only significant difference that I've noticed is the overwhelming amount of fantasy and sci-fi games as opposed to the more modern, slice-of-life-y games seen in casual. One of these days I will return to Advanced. [/indent] [b]Arena[/b] [indent]My first taste of roleplaying was roleplay battles, which Arena focuses on. And honestly? I would like to return to it someday. I miss doing straight up RPBs. I don't mind doing them in action rps, but just writing up battles and not having to worry about story progression has been something I've missed greatly. [/indent] [b]1x1[/b] [indent]I love the 1x1 section. Some of my favorite RPs have been done within this section/format of RPing. And where groups fail, I can always count on my 1x1 roleplays.[/indent] [b]Nation[/b] [indent]I've never RP'd here once. And I don't think I ever will. It's simply not my cup of tea.[/indent] [b]Tabletop[/b] [indent]Same for Nation. It's not my cup of tea, so I don't see a point in going to that section.[/indent]