[@Lorddiviness] [quote=@Lorddiviness] Tikiyachod would be invited to the top floor of the HQ. "Ahh.. Tikiyachod... Good timing, we are just reviewing our plans for the current offensive..." He then proceeded to summarize what has been discussed. [/quote] "Glad I have come right on time..." "Let's begin..." [quote]"The Harkiyius could inflitrate those lands and give us intel.. currently this is all we got...(shows current map) we were thinking about capturing Rockgarde and use it as a staging point. Its a good thing Harkiyians have troops suited for mountain warfare. Perhaps a few Pherithian Mountaineers will also do? Because once we capture Rockgarde, we will be subjected to an enormous counterattack so we require a defensive divisions to go with them. We will have limited artillery support and air support." [/quote] "A very sound plan you have here, homies," Tikiyachod said with a bright smile nodding in approval, "The Harkyiuians are very infamous-- uhh, well respected and feared for their mastery... they are really great at infiltration, urban fighting and mountain warfare..." "As for Pherith, we have quite a number of well-bodied orcs, dwarves and elves for this. Some of them are great masters as well. Perhaps Pherith and Harkyiu can make a few joint taskforces and teams together, as well." The Harkyiuian elites nodded in approval. Rhelsha showed her eyes and smile full of passion and curiosity. "Oh, one more thing... Is there any funny anti-air toys they hold?" Azlariah rose her hand and asked, "If not, maybe Pherith can be of help for air support. We have fancy skyships of many shapes and sizes. Powered by the windflows, magik crystals and the sunrays, they can go really fast and their designs make them really agile. Plus, they can send a lot of punishments for they are armed with lots of fancy shits as well." [quote] "Once the enemy has reassigned part of their frontline troops to Rockgarde, we can stage a breakthough... Also the Harkiyians could inflitrate and provide us intel, perhaps stir up some trouble and disrupt their war effort. What do you say?" [/quote] "It's a very nice plan, homies. The armies of Pherith and Volcron can strike through these Nazis as fast as lightning once we get Rockgarde. And yes, the Harkyiuians will do the sabotages. Is there anything more?" ****** Later, several groups of Pherithian and Harkyiuian agents gathered not far behind the Dunkirk HQ, ready to act anytime. If Volcron agreed with the Pherithian air support, then a few squadrons of Fleenzub Fighters and Fleenzub Bombers would also come flying around the HQ awaiting orders.