[center][h1][color=gray]Oliver[/color] & [color=f7941d]Raven[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] Oliver had spent the afternnoon lazying about by the window while working on his homework. He had heard rumors of Santiago's party, but was still on the fencee about it. Until the one and only Raven knocked on his window, scaring the living hell out of him. With a roll of the eyes, he let the girl in. Most would find their friendship unusual. However, Raven was a close neighbor, their parents were friends, and Raven had a soft spot for drama and coffee too. What worked, worked. [color=f7941d]"Get your shit sand lets go,"[/color] Raven said. [color=gray]"Oh darling. I just get all tingly inside when you take controll like that,"[/color] he responded, causing her to roll her eyes this time. [color=gray]"But where are we going?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Why the Devils Lair, of course. Booze, drugs, drama. You might even get laid!"[/color] [color=gray]"No. But in an outfit like that, you sure ass hell will."[/color] It was true. A shirt that low cut and shorts that short were bound to turn somebody on. After his response, Raven proceeded to more or less drag Oli out the window. It took the pair a total of ten minutes to get to the party. Once there, Oliver began to take pictures with his phone while making his way over to the drink table. Raven walked over to join a group of her friends.