[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180817/a202e28561ecc0f3342c8e6db0c00b49.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/9f36d24b66bc00b2eb6d8168dec30cf2/tumblr_owi8onF3zf1vpd9e0o1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Palm Beach, Florida[/b] August 17th, 2018[/color][hr][/right] [indent][color=9AC667]“Oh sure, it's not like I got anything better to do but go to a Diablo party.”[/color] Jun's immediate words when he was 'invited' to the get-together said pretty much all that needed to be said. But for some reason here he was getting his things together on a Friday night. Not that Jun had much to bring to a beach party at the place of business of King Academy's very own bad boy extraordinaire™. But then again what was the alternative? Go to a screening of the new Mission Impossible alone and crack jokes at Tom Cruise and Scientology for no one to hear them? That sounded boring. But what [i]didn't[/i] was going out with people he knew barely wanted to go in the first place and make it a fun time laughing at the antics and stupidity going down in front of them. They were the audience and Diablo's Party was the movie, and he didn't even have to pay for tickets or bother driving. So when he got the text the most he could say was yeah, sure, why not? Which for most of the people Jun cared about, yeah, that was the consensus. As Jun walked out of his house with ballcap and sunglasses in hand he prepared to send out a text to Marisol since she was basically the team leader and only person outside of Archer he actually didn't want to semi-punch in the throat. The Misfits were like that in a sort of dysfunctional way. The Asian-American teenager wasn't still sure if he and Sonny were even friends; and that wasn't even getting into his complicated relationship with Kavi who he was sure was going to start some shenanigans at the party that was going to go over about as well as a fried chicken and a bubble bath. [color=9AC667]I'm ready when you guys are.[/color] [/indent]