[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][hr] Cyril followed and gave a surprised look. [color=fff79a]"Fluffernutter ith the betht! Ithn't Jericho? Oh my bad, Jericho hath hith mouth full,"[/color] Cyril said with a giggle as he noticed that the hand that wore the sock Jericho had a mouth full of trunk right then. [color=fff79a]"But he'th thurprithed ath well."[/color] Cyril was sure that Jericho would be surprised that someone didn't know what a flutternutter was. How could someone not know what flutternutter was? Had he been living on a rock the last few years?!?! Dropping his trunk next to his sisters Jericho moved a bit and looked at Cyril and then over at Harper. [color=fff79a][i]"You better learn fast,"[/i][/color] Jericho chimed in as his mouth moved. Cyril wasn't paying attention as he looked around the ship. [color=fff79a]"Wow, it'th tho big."[/color] The man boy was in awe of the ship. He liked ships. [color=fff79a][i]"We've seen bigger."[/i][/color] Cyril didn't care, he just followed his sister as he looked around, Jerichos button eyes turning this way and that with Cyrils hand movements. [color=gray]"Well my we have a bit of a growing crowd for our dear little medical quarters. I can attend to the young rapscallion. Sisters before misters? That is the phrase is it not? Oh yes, quite. Why not take a jaunt up to Atticus's room with your sister, I have things well under control here Doctor,"[/color] Jahosafat said with a broad smile as it became evident that perhaps Dorothy needed some time away from a dead body. [color=gray]"Fitz was it? Welcome to my abode. How can I put your nerves at ease? Do not worry about the dead man in the corner, he shan't be any trouble I assure you. My don't you look peakide, did you eat something that did not settle well with you?"[/color] the doctor asked, getting right to the matter at hand and hopefully freeing up bot the Pender sisters for a moment so they could speak. Sometimes it was good to have a shoulder to lean on that was blood instead of one that was recently covered in the crimson fluid. Anisa gave a nod. [color=f26522]"Yes, I will have Harper add ya in as head of security for now. That should give ya all the access and reasonin' you need to be able to look into matters without it drawin' lots of attention. Considerin' you were able to break in without bein' noticed until you were leavin' it makes sense that you would have this job for now. You obviously have a knack for findin' weak points."[/color] Taking another long pull from her cigarette she held in the smoke as hse snuffed out the cherry on the end of the filter. [color=f26522]"I'll expect once a day reports oh and before you start. We have a Reaver on board,"[/color] she said rather matter of factly as she took a seat behind her desk and kicked her feet up onto its edge. [color=f26522]"Most on the ship know, minus the new comers from last night and our new arrivals that are joining us. Doesn't matter if they find out, probably better they do but I didn't want you shooting the crate out into the black. It's part of the deal to keep Moreau on the ship for now."[/color]