[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjRhODI0NS5RWE5vLjAA/parseltongue.regular.png[/img][/center] [h3]~The cavern~[/h3] [hr] [color=598527]"I think I have an idea. I have a decent 'feeling' for magic. I just can't seem to actually learn to properly use it yet."[/color] Ash replied slowly as she glanced over to the now dwindled fire. [color=598527]"I'm sorry, Scott."[/color] Ash shook her head as the pixie motioned to the dwindling fire. [color=598527]"I didn't make that fire myself. I made friends with a goblin the other night and she made it."[/color] If her lizard mouth had been capable of it, she'd be frowning. If anything, she hoped that particular goblin was alright. [color=598527]"I am not so certain its a good idea, either. The fire and smoke could give away our position if the goblins make it this far. If we had something easily burnable like wood, perhaps we could get it restarted."[/color] Pausing for a moment, Ash glanced back in the direction they had came. Perhaps this might be a good opportunity for another lesson? Magic seemed to be a versatile thing, though she wasn't sure of all of its applications yet. [color=598527]"Hmm...I suppose you could try using magic if you want to practice. Try pouring more energy into your magic and focusing it on the ash pile."[/color] A simple suggestion. Back on earth, more energy generated heat after all. She wasn't quite sure of the physics or science of magic yet, but this world seemed to follow similar methods so far. [color=598527]"Lesser force may in fact be helpful for more menial tasks since I currently lack hands, so if you're offering."[/color] [hider=Inventory] [i]Throat Pouch:[/i] - 5x empty slots. [i]Rawhide Backpack[/i] - 5 slots [/hider] [hider=Current party] Dominated Fanged Lizard - Colchain [/hider]