[@NaraK][@Guess Who][@HereComesTheSnow] [b]Shuai Taidan[/b] "[color=ce2029]Did you know that the boatswain has a Masters in Food Chemistry?[/color]" said the breezy voice from underneath Hana. "[color=ce2029]She said she was a science-y type of person when she was younger, but then she found out that boats were her real deal.[/color]" Shuai Taidan, noted prettyboy extraordinaire, ascended upwards from the ocan with the quiet, warm hiss of his fire wheels, casually flipping over the railing in utter defiance of the laws of gravity that all other humans were subject to. It seemed that he had been flying alongside the boat earlier, only to have come back aboard upon hearing his team leader's grumblings.