As for those wondering, the game is going to start soon. To help people a bit I decided to make a guide for nationsheets. Also a scheme you could copy in order to get something that looks nicer. [hider=Civilization Sheet Guide/Scheme] [center](SYMBOL/FLAG OF YOUR CIV - OPTIONAL)[b][h1][hr]YOUR CIVILIZATION'S NAME[/h1][/b][/center][hr] [h2][b]GENERAL INFORMATION[hr][/b][/h2][h3][b]Faction Overview[/b][/h3](Describe your faction in one or a few paragraphs. If you want you could also make an infosheet about the basic stats. Some examples: name, government type, capital, population, number of star systems owned, etc.) [h3][b]Territory Overview[/b][/h3](You can describe your holdings here, what are the most notable locations in your empire? Also you could pick a code for identifying your Hypergate which has one letter followed by 3 numbers, example: A101.) [h3][b]History[/b][/h3](Of course you can also tell the history of your civilization. It doesn't need to be novel length or I'd say this is even optional but eh, most players love to do this.) [h2][b]SOCIETY INFORMATION[hr][/b][/h2][h3][b]Demographics[/b][/h3](This is basically where you can describe your race(s). If there are more than one notable species or ethnicity you can of course talk about their ratios and overall relations to each other. [h3][b]Cultural Overview[/b][/h3](The overall culture and mentality of your civilization. Are they pacifists? A warrior society? Perhaps they wish to preserve the environment? Feel free to introduce us to how your civilization thinks.) [h3][b]Government Overview[/b][/h3](Of course you can't really forget the Big G here. How's your nation governed? Are there any unique elements to this? Who are the ones in power?) [h2][b]TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION[hr][/b][/h2][h3][b]Tech Overview[/b][/h3](Basically you describe your civilization's tech here. You can mention their overall development, which fields they excel in and which fields are weak.) [h3][b]Notable Technologies[/b][/h3](If you have unique pieces of technology this is the place where you can talk about them.) [h3][b]Industrial Overview[/b][/h3](Basically you can describe your industry here. Chief technologies employed, most important industrial areas. Strengths and weaknesses in the industry. Etcetera. I predict this subcategory is going to be ignored the most.) [h2][b]MILITARY INFORMATION[hr][/b][/h2][h3][b]Military Overview[/b][/h3](Basically this is where you can talk about your military in general. Use this as a sorts of intro and if you have things to say that don't belong purely to army/navy. Ignore this otherwise) [h3][b]Army Overview[/b][/h3](Describe your army here, surface combatants, infantry, combat vehicles, atmospheric fighters, etc.) [h3][b]Navy Overview[/b][/h3](Lastly your space navy, your ships and space combat doctrine. You aleady know what to do here.) [/hider] You don't neccessarily need to follow this scheme but it would be preferable. Also you only need to fill out the 4 main categories to have a decent NS. Subcategories are only out there to give you an idea. So yeah, use this guide to your heart's desire.