[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/scd426lnl/Ao_S_1_82.png[/img][hr][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/mo6tbh4i9/Qmufwg0.gif[/img][hr][@ihinka][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@rivaan][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@McHaggis][@17th Day][@Peridot][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Present Day - S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy: August 14th, 2020 - 10:30 A.M. [/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Fury listened to Johnson's arguments, holding up a finger to Sparky and Sami as they entered the hallway. He had a comment for each of her objections. [color=gray]"For the gun, agent, why the hell didn't you grab one from one of the fallen guards outside? If you need a gun, you take one. Then for the illusion - your logic is sound agent, but that's an extreme case. Harming yourself in the field is [b]NEVER[/b] a good idea. You could have concentrated, you could have thrown something in the direction of that person, you could have asked your fellow agents for help. But again, those are all lessons you've already been taught at the academy. Now get out of my sight and see Simmons for a physical - you might have a screw loose or something."[/color] Fury then turned to Sparky and Sami, raising an eyebrow at Sami's crass attitude. [color=gray]"Does this look like Comedy Central to you, cadet?"[/color] he asked, pausing for a moment to let that sink in. He then threw a phone out of his pocket, showing that this entire time, Colonel Rhodes had been on the line - on [i]speaker[/i]. [color=gray]"I'll let you have some privacy while you contemplate the meaning of being a government entity when that comes to proposing to gun down U.S. citizens with a clean record,"[/color] Fury said, switching the call off of speaker and tossing the phone to Sami. He then looked at Sparky. [color=gray]"Walk with me, Agent Sparks,"[/color] he told her, starting to head down the hallway. She was the only one currently that wasn't giving him grey hairs. [color=gray]"Got to say, that's one hell of a name. But that isn't what I want to talk to you about. Unlike the other two, you're not Operations and yet, you did more than both of them combined. So be direct and honest with me - reflect on the mission experience you just underwent. There might be a promotion in it for you."[/color] [i][color=5E82D6]"Hey there Sami, so, I heard about what happened, and what the hell were you thinking? Just suggesting using lethal force like that, on someone with a clean record? You know you shouldn't use lethal force unless you absolutely have to - not just because you got mad during a training simulation at their hologram... Not to mention the fact that you didn't seem to pay attention to anything! You attacking him again stopped the glitch from working, made it so that there was no way you were going to make it, and Maximoff is my goddaughter's boyfriend, and so I doubt she'd take you saying let's just kill him right now and be done with it! His record was wiped clean by SHIELD, and he has never actually killed anyone, and if we killed him, there would also be a huge legal mess and we'd have mutants who probably would want us dead, so no, we can't do that! And would it kill you to call your mom once in a while? I mean really...Look kiddo, I love you, but I have to go. Please stop suggesting killing people as a solution. It makes us look bad."[/color] Rhodey then hanged up the phone. [/i] [hr][hr][center][h3][color=red][b]The Framework: 0 Minutes Remaining[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][u][b][color=FF8CBD]Team Abercrombie[/color][/b][/u] ([@FantasyChic][@Nallore][@17th Day]): On the staircase, your two groups will run into one another, becoming now a newly formed team of three. Upstairs with the hostages, Quicksilver is just listening to the music. As long as you [b]don't[/b] attack him, he'll allow the hostages to go free with you - and he'll even come along with, just so happy to be listening to 80's music. [u][b][color=cc33ff]Team Techies[/color][/b][/u] ([@ihinka][@McHaggis]): For better or for worse, the entire facility is currently being subjected to your choice of music - namely Bill Joel's [i]Uptown Girl.[/i] The entire fourth floor with the hostages is glitching out, but at least Quicksilver wasn't coming to attack anyone else. He was just busy happily listening to the music. None of the hostages were in good enough shape to escape as well and every now and then, they'd seem to glitch out and vanish. Fortunately, Nikolova and Hale will be able to still see everything that is going on downstairs outside of the actual lab. On an additional monitor, they'll even have a glimpse of the panic on the second floor, where only Abercrombie and Reed were left standing. And in even better news, no Brotherhood members seem to be coming to hunt them down! Their luck has finally taken a turn for the better - it's just too bad they're going over time in the simulation. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=add3ff]Dominika Novikova[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/bttynhdep/5b3055d9c5898420959874.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=add3ff]Framework Location:[/color][/b] Brotherhood Lab Building: Sub Level 2 [b][color=add3ff]Skills:[/color][/b] Dimensional Energy Perception (Passive), Jack of All Trades (Engineering)[/center][hr] [color=add3ff]"...It's metal,"[/color] Novikova mumbled, staring at the door. She knew (mostly from watching the Avatar cartoon) that those who could manipulate earth, theoretically, could manipulate metal as well. However, she [i]also[/i] recalled mention that it was a fairly advanced technique. But she wasn't going to argue with her S.O., especially since they were overtime, and she took a deep breath, punching the doors - [color=add3ff]"ублю́док!"[/color] Novikova screamed, holding her fist which was throbbing. The doors didn't give at all. Rivera laughed slightly at the Sci-Tech girl, and Novikova glared at her, before she went over to the control panel next to the doors. A quick fix later and the doors opened on their own - no powers required, just science. Agent Kelley panicked, not sure what to do when he came face to face with Scarlet Witch - and he flung her backwards telekinetically. [color=red]"Ugh, S.H.I.E.LD. agents? Really? So annoying,"[/color] Wanda muttered. She warped the probabilities around Kelley and a moment later, the agent's lower half was somehow stuck in the floor. Toad's tongue darted out, intending to get Novikova but he missed horribly enough that the Russian agent didn't even need to move. [color=#FF5733]"Plasma, the virus, now!"[/color] Magneto ordered, metal swirling around him as he shot the implements off at the agents. They all gave fairly minor wounds to the agents, except for Agent Kelley. Magneto ended up hitting him over the head with a filing cabinet and he started to bleed profusely. Plasma just nodded at her father, about to put the virus in the contraption that would allow it to be spread, when it shimmered and vanished. "I win," Rivera taunted. The virus had fallen through the portal, just as Agent Reed described, and it fell into Rivera's hand. She tauntingly held up the virus just as they hit the 0 minute mark on time remaining.[u][i][b] Everyone would then wake up outside of the Framework, with the mission complete - mostly.[/b][/i][/u] Of the three objectives they were intended to accomplish, they had completed two out of the three.