[quote=@Lord Wraith] I don't foresee any sex scenes in my posts that will be between anyone other than Blake and Barbara so write me off on that one haha [/quote] You can't see it, but this is my disappointed face. [quote=@AndyC] [b]Spider-Man:[/b] I like Tom Holland a whole lot, even if I don't care for his Burger King Kids' Club supporting cast or his role as Tony Stark's surrogate son. [/quote] It might not be the most popular opinion (as far as I've heard, anyway) but I appreciate what the Homecoming writers were going for with the supporting cast. Flash Thompson being a jock that shoved Peter into lockers is a tired and ancient trope that doesn't really reflect how (most) bullies operate, so it's refreshing to see him modernized and acting more like the fuckboys that made school the literal worst for lil' ol' me. So, y'know, #relatable or whatever.