[quote=@AndyC] Well, let's get into it...... (EDIT: Looks like I'm behind the conversation, but accidentally sorta caught up anyway since we're talking voice actors now) I'm gonna skip the obvious ones (since most of the MCU characters have only had one incarnation, they're shoo-ins), and stick with ones where there's some contention. [b]Superman:[/b] In terms of the [i]image[/i] of Superman and in terms of getting all ferklempt when you see him and hear his theme music, there is no replacing Christopher Reeve. In terms of the actual [i]character[/i], though, I gotta say I prefer Henry Cavill. [b]Lois Lane:[/b] If we're including voices, Dana Delaney in an easy walk. If it's live-action only, Teri Hatcher. [b]Lex Luthor:[/b] I get genuinely offended when there's a cartoon or videogame with Lex Luthor in it and it's [i]not[/i] Clancy Brown. Going with live-action, I guess I'd have to go with Rosenbaum, since I never liked Hackman's Lex, I prefer my Luthor to not be a pedophile so that takes out Spacey, and everyone would get mad at me if I said Eisenberg. [b]Batman:[/b] Err, I dunno, Christian Bale, but with early-BTAS Kevin Conroy's voice in-costume and Affleck's fight choreographer. [b]Alfred:[/b] [i]Really[/i] close call between Michael Caine and Jeremy Irons. Really it depends on if it's an emotional scene or if he's being sassy, because nobody in the universe does the not-quite-crying-but-it-makes-you-cry-instead thing better than Caine, but I do love Irons' droll wit, which is integral to any good Alfred. [b]The Joker:[/b] Live-action only, it's Ledger easily. Nicholson just felt like he's doing an impression of himself, and even I can't defend Leto. Including voices, though, nobody holds a candle to Mark Hamill. [b]Robin:[/b] Joseph Gordon Levitt from a parallel universe where [i]The Dark Knight Rises[/i] wasn't a disappointing mess. Including voices, teenage Robin will never not sound like Scott Menville to me, though I can't really think of a Nightwing that I've ever really liked (the Young Justice one was okay, I guess). [b]Catwoman:[/b] Anne Hathaway, but in Michelle Pfeiffer's costume. [b]The Flash:[/b] Gustin Grant, easily. I can't say I'm a huge fan of him, but I fucking [i]haaaaated[/i] Ezra Miller's Flash. [b]Supergirl:[/b] Melissa Benoist. This is another one who basically wins by default since the live-action movie can't even reach so-bad-it's-good and I was not a fan of the Smallville version at all. Going over to the Marvel side of things: [b]Spider-Man:[/b] With voices, it's Josh Keaton, since I swear by [i]The Spectacular Spider-Man[/i]. Live-action only, I like Tom Holland a whole lot, even if I don't care for his Burger King Kids' Club supporting cast or his role as Tony Stark's surrogate son. [b]Aunt May:[/b] While the [i]Amazing[/i] movies are kinda the red-headed stepchildren of Spidey's movies these days, I quite liked Sally Field. Not quite the one-foot-in-the-grave version of Aunt May from the Raimi movies, and also not the uncomfortably-hot MILF May from [i]Homecoming.[/i] [b]Harry Osborn:[/b] Right up until he goes crazy and becomes an embarrassing cartoon character, I really rather liked Dane DeHaan. [b]Pete's Love Interest:[/b] Live-action, I guess Laura Harrier as Liz. I'm a huge fan of Emma Stone, but I always thought she should've been cast as Mary Jane instead of Gwen Stacy. Including voices, gonna go with SSM's Gwen performed by Lacey Chabert. [b]Eddie Brock/Venom:[/b] Ryan Kwanten, the guy from [url=https://vimeo.com/79697570]Truth in Journalism[/url]. Just a friendly reminder that fan-film can be vastly better than the real thing. [b]Hulk/Bruce Banner:[/b] I actually really liked Ed Norton's Hulk, even if the MCU basically retconned it out of existence. IMO Banner is one of those guys who shouldn't be acting like a comedian given the damage he can potentially do. [b]The Punisher:[/b] Thomas Jane. Yeah, his actual movie was kinda pretty awful, but [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWpK0wsnitc]Dirty Laundry[/url] was fantastic (big ups to Unicycle for re-creating that in IC). [/quote] No Jimmy? *Jimmies thoroughly rustled*