[quote=@Fabricant451] Not the game you mentioned, for starters [/quote] I'll need to borrow those tweasers after you're done picking nits with them. [quote=@Fabricant451] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8iOmVd1W_g]Don't just take my word for it.[/url] [/quote] Ah yes the gold standard of big website reviews. Yes all final fantasy games get consistently high game ratings. Including 10-2 which has a higher meta-critic score than 13. Also remember that Tales Series that you don't like? Tales of Symphonia scores equal or better than 13 on damn near every site you listed. I also think that 13-2 is an enjoyable game, and Famitsu loved it so much they gave it a perfect score. You know what else gets high marks on IGN and Gamespot? Assassins Creed games and FIFA. These sites put too much stock into 'presentation' and 'legacy' over any sort of serious critique and you know it.