-"I wish I could view life like you... Think you can teach me more about a commoners life?" -"Heh, something tells me we are going to get along well princess. Now get ready, here they come." Both of you run quickly to your sacks again and hide in them. Many men can be heard walking down the stairs and before you even have time to get ready your sack gets lifted off the floor. By now you are pretty used to treveling via kidnapping and it doesn't feel as uncomfortable like last time. You are definitely in Frijarl. It's freezing cold! If you knew you would be sold to another country when you went out two days ago you would have packed warmer clothes. After what seemed like an hour you reach your destination. You can hear loud thuds from persons getting dropped, like if you were sacks of potatoes. -"Have you still not found a more suitable than carrying them around in sacks? I swear you brutes are worse than the ones visiting here." The voice seem to come from an older woman. -"Juzt get on with it alrrrready. We have a thouzand morrre places to vizit." -"Alright, Alright. Bring them here!" You feel yourself being pulled up by a strong hand. You get a chance to shoot a swift glance at your captors before being scoffed into a line. The people who got you here are definetly not from Frijarl. They are darkskinned and wellbuilt, more likely to be from the south maybe Túrass. The line in front of you exists mostly of girls of varying ages and ethnicities. Most of the girls seem to be slightly younger than you and judging by how they look they are from the Sangular kingdoms. Jennifer isn't farm from you in the line but Marco is almost at the front end. -"Didn't you have 'a thousand more places to visit?' Show these ladies some privacy and get out!" Grambling the dark skinned sailors leave the building, leaving you and the other girls alone with this older woman. -"Alright younglings. I want you to face me and step out of your clothes." [i]WHAT!?[I] You look around for an answer to this very uncomforatble situation. You meet eyes with Jennifer who nods at you to do as the women says. Every other girl and boy seem to be stipping their clothes off, even if somewhat reluctantly. You start to take off the few clothes you have on you and put them neatly on the floor behind you. Your cheeks are burning red, never before have you done something this embarrassing.* You try hard not to peek at anyone, and definitely not at Marcos way! The older women then begins to walk from person to person, judging them from top to toe. -"mmhm, good. Yes you have a nice body. Great shapes there missy. Nope you are too plump. mmhm..." After a good while she comes to you. She almost looks like a witch with her long nose, wrinkled face and her gray messy hair. -"Let's see what we have here then." She begins to feel around your body, looking at your teeth, inspecting every little piece of skin your body have to offer. -"You look awfully alike someone I seen somewhere. Hold on a moment... You look almost identical to the crown princess of Heroica! I certainly hit the jackpot now! You my friend, are going to get far here!" You don't know if that means good or bad comings, but you'll take it as a compliment for now. -"Ok, you three, you and you next to there yes and you with the red hair there yes and you too come along now, we got some things to talk about. The rest of you, get out!" [i]She chose me... But it's probably better then hitting the streets with nowhere to go.[/i] You quickly put on your clothes and run after the other. You walk through a long hallway, following the long red carpet on the floor. -"Ok this room is for you two. Get some sleep, I'll wake you up early in the morning so you can learn your routines." Looks like you and Jennifer is sharing room. How convinient. The room isn't that big. Two beds on each side of the room and a drawer in between for you to share. You and Jenifer take your beds and lay down, all worn out from the rough day. -"How do you feel about Marco?" Jennifer asks right out. -"What? How I feel?" -"Yes, what do you feel for Marco Jane?" -"Well..." *** *Mood changed: Embarassed *** A). I like him, as a friend. He was my first real friend. B). I think I like him, like... LIKE like him. C). I don't feel comfortable talking about that... [Hider=CS]Nymeria Heroica - 14 Years old Difficulty: Hard Items 2 Lassi & 420 Shants Physical Abilities Strength: 6 Agility: 13 Stamina: 12 Fighting skill: 3 Social Abilities Persuasion: 4 Negotiate: 3 Charisma: 6 Social manners: 12 intellectual Abilities Education: 10 Diplomatics: 2 Language: 2 Trade: 2 Royal: 3 Personality Alignment: +1 Temper: +5 Hapiness: -10 Selfishness: -1 Mood: Embarassed[/hider]