[quote=@AndyC] I know I've said it before, but the one thing that really annoys me about Michelle Jones is the same thing that annoys me about JGL in [i]Dark Knight Rises[/i]. Back when they were still trying to pass off 'John Blake' as some new mystery character, Nolan and company kept going "Oh nooo, we're [i]totally[/i] never gonna have Robin, why would we ever have Robin, nobody wants Robin, so we're never gonna do it," and then right at the end of the movie they go "Ha, he was Robin all along, we fooled you!" They did the same thing with Zendaya, they kept saying she's a new character, and she's totally not MJ, then right at the end "Oh hahaha, she was actually MJ the whole time, we fooled you!" That's not a trick, it's not pulling a fast one, it's just lying. If you're gonna make a major change to a character, have the decency to commit to the bit. Don't just lie to the audience and then pretend you're clever for doing so. And could it kill you to at the very least dye a red streak in her hair or something to give her some slight indication as to who she's supposed to be? [/quote] Again, I think this is indicative of studio culture seeing the internet as this horrible haven for spoilers more than anything. They don't even announce the names of anyone aside from the lead hero anymore, and it's annoying on it's own, because telling us [i]who[/i] is going to be appearing in the movie actually helps build hype, not deflate it or ruin some big surprise. Sometimes we don't even get to hear who the villain of the movie is until closer to release, which in itself is baffling, because half of the point of a superhero movie is "Who the hell are they fighting? Oh, shit, [i]that[/i] character? Where can I get my tickets now?!" Though, with Nolan, I suspect something a bit different and wholly unique in his case. I think he was pretty much put in a position to introduce Robin or not get the movie made, either from Warner Bros. or his more comic book-centric brother screenwriter, so he came up with the most backhanded compromise imaginable. I don't think Nolan ever actually intended to do Robin in any way. I think he just really liked working with Levitt on Inception and wanted a role for him, got the "C'mon! We need Robin once if this is the end!" schpeel, and said to everyone "Goddammit, fine. Joseph Gordon-Levitt can play Robin. But don't call him that! And have him just be a lousy fucking cop who accidentally shoots people to death and is somehow worthy to carry on the mantle of the Batman with absolutely no training!" [sub](I don't know if anyone knows this, given the amount of times I've ranted about it, but I [i]haaate[/i] The Dark Knight Rises.)[/sub] [quote=@Inkarnate] I need to work on posts instead of talking to people. [/quote] *looks at last time you posted* Yeah. [i]You do.[/i] :arghfist