[@Jollan] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180625/4effee7e0bcc2ab0b276def44e1cb34a.png[/img][/url][/center] The road was not made for so ungainly a machine and had it not been for its other uses Metis would have long ago chosen to jog along beside the mount of her mistress and try as she might the road still disturbed the sleep of the honored. So when Lynn woke exclaiming [color=7FFFD4]"Wow, Metis, would you look at this place. We must not be in Fotia anymore, that would mean we are in Gaia now, right?"[/color] she answered. [color=30C667][b]Yes Lynn Metis’s internal navigation places us at 23 - 64 meaning if the maps she has studied were correct we are presently in Gaia.[/b][/color] The honored healer Lynn then posed another question, one that Metis found difficult to answer without the worry her words offend her. [color=30C667][b]”It is in Metis’s kind’s nature to be reclusive, to hide away from all but a few beings Lynn but it is also in your nature as a healer to feel empathy towards others much as the Vrondi healer Lovegood. If you so require Metis will break her normal habit and mingle with the troop as for the hoods Metis wears a hood to protect her body from evaporation and so her features do not cause concern to those of the light.[/b][/color] Metis said trying to smile in as friendly a manner as her features allowed. [color=30C667][b]Metis is a servant and it is only Lynn that Metis cares to mingle with though if it makes Mistress feel more confident then Metis will stand at her side and try to engage the others in conversation[/b][/color] [hr][hr] [@Rai][@Guy0fV4lor][@Verticus][@Brithwyr] [hr][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180610/58a981f1024b4ecf00749dc8da7e69c1.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] Ami’s mount cantered along as full of energy as when it had this morning due to its constant contact with her aura. As she rode along she considered her travel so far. It was an alien world to her and it was because of her protected upbringing and to be in it was like a waking dream and one she hoped not to be expelled from too quickly. The group she traveled with was made up of as varied a collection of people as she could have ever hoped to be among and the one that intrigued her most was the Lassa Lynn Meditrina a healer. She was accompanied by one of the lesser bloodlines of the Lassa and Ami’s education pointed out that the Octo girl was one of the legendary manhunters of the lassa race known for their tireless devotion to the primary bloodline of the aquatic race; not many traveled with their own zealot assassins. It was the inhuman killer that made Ami keep her distance for if legends were true she was poisonous and her own life nothing in the execution of her duties; “I am the will of my maker, pain no barrier and spent only when my task is complete” She’d read that quote in the library which was attributed to an Octo woman who’d murdered a prince of the Vrondi blood even knowing she’d be captured, tortured and executed by boiling; they say she made no sound beyond her last words as they executed her over the course of three days. How could someone give up so much of themselves for someone who in many cases cared nothing for them? Then there was the cursed man Dremmick whose presence sent a shiver through her when he was close causing her to war with her own internal drives to ease his suffering. He was why she spent her nights in meditation as she sought her memories for the combination of spells and prayer which would make him whole. She would not simply heal his body but his soul as well drawing it into her own in so intimate a healing process using her own purity to filter out those impurities; were she a less being this would have left her soul muddied but she was protected by the seals contained her in this mortal frame. [hr] [center]....To be continued ….[/center][hr]