[quote=@Burning Kitty] I'm not going to change what I have previous written, but from this point forward everyone infected in Sanctuary is not infected in real life. [/quote] Thank you, really. I truly appreciate you doing that. [hr] [quote=@Parzivol] That woulda been an awesome reveal. Suddenly everyone realizes that the wool has been pulled over our eyes! And then... Suddenly a PC dies and gets a PM saying that his IRL character isn't infected. Either way, that's good. Will keep things into the genre that was signed up for. [/quote] The inverse would have made for a brilliantly horrifying reveal as well. Imagine this virus affecting the game for some weeks or even months, our characters have been killing infected avatars with no hesitation. Why would they? They're just avatars and there's been no news or indication that this is affecting anything outside of Sanctuary. If the virus is preventing them from logging off or something then killing them is the one sure-fire way to forcibly log them off, right? Except, oops, it gets revealed that killing all those infected avatars was in fact killing or indirectly causing the the deaths of their players in the real world! Now suddenly the main characters are understandably horrified with themselves, and second guessing themselves out of fear of accidentally killing more human players. In one fell swoop the stakes just got about a hundred times bigger and more real. [hr] [quote=@Burning Kitty] [@Parzivol] I said they won't be attacking, I didn't say the physical body wasn't affected at all. [/quote] Huh, well... see my above paragraph for my personal speculations on what you mean by that.