[hr] [h2][center][color=00a651]~Gabriel Moreau - Wall Maria: Shiganshina District~[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] [center][@LetMeDoStuff][/center] [i][color=00a651]Cold.[/color][/i] Gabriel's thoughts drifted freely about, just like the water below him. [i][color=00a651]It's too cold.[/color][/i] The air chilled him as he held Eitan above his head, trying to keep him as dry as possible. Yet, even as his brother's life took priority, a cruel idea emerged in his head. [i][color=00a651]What if...we just stayed here, though? We won't have to worry about the Titans.[/color][/i] The world, he thought, was too cruel for his brother. Such innocence in a mad reality was too sinister of a life. Perhaps it would have been better to let them both drown together. Maybe then, they would be with the others, and perhaps their father. [i][color=00a651]Dad...[/color][/i] The acceptance that his dad was dead had finally took hold. For so long it remained buried away in his heart. Only now, as he slowly accepted his own death, would he accept his father's. Yet, even so, something stung his mind. As his arms slowly submerged into the water, he looked towards his brother. [i][color=00a651]But if he's not dead...[/color][/i] His arms had stopped. What if he truly wasn't? How would he react to finding his family dead after returning? His heart beat quickly, the comforting embrace of drowning with his brother seeping away. [i][color=00a651]I-I can't. I can't do that.[/color][/i] His concentration was broken by a rope landing into the water. He hadn't even registered the youth who spoke to him before he threw it, only that there was now a way out of the river. He took a hold of it, wrapped it around his arm, and held on tightly. Eitan cried out as they were pulled, the strain on his arm causing him greater pain than he already had to begin with. As they finally reached the top, Gabriel could hardly stand. The wounds on his leg were bright as day, made only more clear from the disfigurement of his ankle. "[color=00a651]Did I not notice?[/color]" He mumbled to himself as his brother cried out some more. There, a Titan was reaching for their savor - until it was killed off by a soldier. Gabriel was out of the loop at the time to have even cared. In fact, it was almost like he had completely ignored the beast. His eyes seemed glossed as he looked over at the other boy. "[color=00a651]W-We.....we need to get to the boats. I can't move my leg, though.[/color]" He held tightly onto Eitan, before holding him out towards Grant. "[color=00a651]Take care of him first. Please.[/color]" His voice was a clear indicator of the stress he had been through. It was shaking, fueled by the exhaustion that had befallen him. Yet even with all the hardships he was going through, it was clear that his will to live - no, the will to keep his brother alive - was strong.