[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZeiEQFt.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i]"Ah, how wondrous! The unmistakeable smell of [b]adventure[/b]! Adventure with a side of shrimp, maybe, but adventure nevertheless! And what a pleasant town this was; a small settlement that's complete and absolutely unremarkable in almost every possible way! I'm fairly sure that this could be the birthplace of at least three or four hero-like characters with how blatantly average this place was. Except, of course, for the monsters roaming around. Oh, hold on. Was this perhaps a way to set a fundamental rule of "Monsters and humans can live together" in the young hero's mind? How brilliant!"[/i] Those were the thoughts that clouded Vanessa's head as she made her way into Boreal Port. The phantom was fairly pleased with the place she was in, and spent some time wandering around it just for the sake of it. She didn't forget about the quest that brought her here, however; whenever her mind stopped thinking about the intrinsic importance in the hero's plot of that one shop down the alley or how this could be the alleyway where his righteous spirit ignites, she approached whatever passerby was at hand and asked if they knew Jeb Blanck. The lack of answers didn't deter her in the slightest. It simply meant she could spend more time in this place! However, apparently someone [i]did[/i] know about Jeb. And, almost immediately, Vanessa jumped to the conclusion that this Holstaur was, in fact, the missing woman. The phantom began to chuckle in what would surely be an extremely suspicious way. A hand went to cover her masked eyes, her head slumping down as her shoulders shook slightly with the laughter. Finally, after a few seconds, the phantom's gloved hand darted to her forehead, resting its back on it. The whole pose was that of a very dramatic gasp. "[color=lime]Oh, Fate has smiled upon my humble personage once more! Who could've believed that the answer of this mere courier's issue was so plainly in sight this whole time!?[/color]" Vanessa's movements as she spoke were very reminiscent of those of a person reciting a poem in front of a captivated audience, a situation that is being met in reality if one were to replace "Person" with "Easily excitable undead woman" and "Captivated" with "Weirded out" "[color=lime]This is no mistake, beautiful maiden! It was destiny itself that brought me to you! And now I, Lady Vanessa Blackbourne...[/color]" She hoisted the cane up on the air, and grasped it by the top, then pointed it towards the bovine in front of her, so that the length of the cane was alongside her arm and not passing through the other monster's head. "[color=lime]...shall bring sire Blanck back together with his missing Lenore![/color]" [@PaulHaynek]