[@Searat][@Phantomlink959][@Blueflame][@LightningMaiden] Griffin was not happy. He glared at the map he had been given. Of all the places they could have had this waste of time take place Rost had chosen a prison. If he didn't know better he would have thought that the other man was trying to piss him off. But there was no way for the Djinn could know. He ignored the protective gear. He didn't need it. Nothing in the simulation could him. [color=39b54a]"As long as we don't need any of the gear to keep track of hits snd other shit I'll take one of paintball guns."[/color] He studied the map. He wasn't thrilled with the virtual map. Luckily he had a good memory he would be able to memorise the map. The layout that Rost had chosen was pretty straightforward. It was a basic prison. He was sure he could complete his assigned task without any challenges. It wasn't really a challenge. Of course this wasn't a test of skills. It was a way of helping them work together.