You know, nothing is stopping you from doing all of that without the site's support. Ranking system? Okay. But for those who want to be ranked. Create a basic rulebook? Okay. But don't force it on people who don't want to use it. Teams? Let those who want teams to make teams. Make rules for them. But don't force it on people who don't want them. Gauntlet? Okay. For those who want it. Hall of Fame? Just make a hall of fame thread. Creating a forced rulebook is a fundamentally bad idea because then everyone has to conform with someone else's system. It's no longer two people agreeing upon terms; it's two people forced to agree to a third party's terms. Nothing is stopping you from making a rulebook and then encouraging people to use it, or use it yourself even. Don't impose systems on people who don't want to use them. It's like if the tabletop section could only use 5e. Complaining about infrastructure when you have all the tools you need to build that infrastructure is like dying of thirst because you're too lazy to draw water from a well. Make it rather than saying someone else should. You have the ideas down, all that matters now is execution. Literally the only thing you'd need would be a single pinned thread. But as Mobius proved, you don't even need that to host a big event. Put your money where your mouth is, make a league, and prove me wrong. I'll be waiting and I'll be glad if you prove me to be some random uninvited dumbass who doesn't participate in arena.[img][/img]