I'll be honest. I haven't read all the responses, but since when haven't achievements been a good idea? They allot pride and suitable reward as well as gives something to work towards. Newbies should look in the arena and see these achievements and they ought to think, hey, I might want this one or that one. All they have to do next is find another person seeking the same badge and win. And if they lose, try again. A punishment for breaking time limit or just going inactive should be implemented. If you tell your opponent that you're busy and need to postpone, then sure, you'll get some extra time. But if you don't provide any sort of notice, your record is damaged maybe not forever, but for the rest of the season. However long that may be. As for the safe space, I don't think it's too much to ask for the judge or opponent to point out what went wrong in your post then suggest a method of correction to be a reference at a later date. Of course, everyone wouldn't do that, but it ought to be encouraged to promote healthy learning. The arena ought to be just as educational as it is a place to allot honor. Viewing both from the outside ought to be pretty enticing. I know it would be for me.