[@shylarah] SHY DON'T BE MEAN [@bloonewb] elodie looks great! just a few teeny lil things- [hider=teeny things] 1. Knights, uh, aren't really a thing in this universe, just lords/ladies (for no reason other than I am a lazy POS and differentiating is a lot of effort, plus I'm not tryna make HG be [i]totally[/i] the same as Victorian England lmao). You could say "daughter of a minor noble", which would make her a lady but still imply that her fam isn't [i]that[/i] important, compared to others 2. You say she was healed with "soul magic" or something in bio, and Shy and I were kinda confused about what that meant 3. Last really tiny thing-you're sure Elodie went to Geraldine's at 16, yes? Normally people start at 14 and go until 18 (...and it's totally my fault for not putting this info in OOC, which I am going to do RN, lol) [/hider]