[quote=@Inkarnate] Outside of a few exceptions, we kind of are? [/quote] If you are, then you are not whom I refer to. [quote=@Superboy] I have no idea why but it feels like the 40K and Fantasy scene has the quickest turnover rate of any of the fandoms, with the only real exception I can think of being Star Wars. It's weird, and I have no idea what causes it, but I've yet to join a game that didn't fall off a cliff in two week's time. I find it kind of ironic that a hobby like ours has a community with such poor retention. Roleplaying games, both of the tabletop and video variety, require hundreds of hours of gameplay to reach completion at times. Writing tends to be one of the longest forms of entertainment we have. Yet when the two end up smashed together, nobody wants to stick around! [/quote] Maybe if it's not in a real tabletop setting, people lose interest. We dont have miniatures to paint or armies to throw at each other.