Kiba's wolf form was much larger than that of a normal wolf, almost the size of a small horse. This was a typical size of werewolves when they were in their wolf form, so Kiba wasn't too small or too big in terms of werewolf size. But, to someone who never seen a werewolf before, it would almost be too fantasy-like and if they ever saw a werewolf for the first time. Kiba didn't noticed that there was someone in the trees. He couldn't smell anything other than the deer and the natural forest scents, and it didn't occur to him to look in the trees either. He moved in a little closer and paused, making sure that the doe didn't noticed him before he went for the kill. His ears twitched as he listened for signs of another predator in the area. He knew that humans sometimes covered their scent somehow, but he also knew that if one were to listen close enough, they could hear a human no matter how silent the human intended to be.