[right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝔾ame 𝕄echanics[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [color=ed1c24]Update 11/07/2018:[/color] You must type up your attempts in post form and pm them to the Gm before a roll will be made. Once a roll is called for and I give you the results, you have 24 hours to post. (Failure to do so will result in removal from the RP.) [i] This Rp is a unique combination of your standard reactive roll play and table top. There are dice rolls for this, hence why you have your stats and your skills. These will play heavily into this RP. Like most forum Rps you are reacting to what is around you and typing up a description of your characters way of dealing with the situation. Like with most table top Rps, a lot of what your character can do is based on numbers. Now for those that are not as familiar with one as they are the other it can get a bit confusing. For those that haven't dealt with one facet or the other it can be down right intimidating. Don't let it be. This is NOT as complicated as it seems. On top of dice rolls, another thing you are going to be dealing with in this Rp is the fact your character actually levels. Now every new character will start out at level 1. No PC comes in at anything above level 1. Doesn't matter if you are joining the Rp during the first book or the ninth, you start out at level 1. During the series you will gain experience points that will go towards advancing your level. The longer you stick it out, the longer you stay alive, the higher level you will become. If you die, toodles to the character. You can make a new one, it starts out at level one. Just one more reason to watch your back and guard your secrets closely. The higher the level the stronger the character and the better chance you stand to make it to the end. Trust no one, not even your your BFF. A third aspect of this Rp's game mechanics is the degradation of a character. Yes, that is possible and I am not just referring to losing hit points, though that is part of it. I am speaking of losing experience points and a characters perversity. Losing experience points is a rare event but it can happen. Perversity can change more rapidly though. Perversity affects your characters sanity and their morality. As the Rp unfolds your character can be damaged, mentally. Disturbing events can drive one to madness. If an event is traumatic enough, it will raise a characters perversity. If it is raised enough, even the most innocent can turn into a twisted mind who just wants to watch the world burn. Again, guard your secrets well for they can and will be used against you. [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛ℝeminderβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color][hider=Never Forget] [indent]Now before we get into the nitty gritty, do be aware that the world is controlled by the GM. Weather, sights, sounds, smells are all things that only the Gm controls. NPC's are controlled by the GM only as well. Just as with real life, how things happen are not up to you as a person. You can attempt nearly anything but the result of your attempt is determined by the world around you. You may NOT state how the world, an NPC, or another PC reacts or retorts to your character. For example you cannot automatically hit someone, anyone, you attack. That must be run through the GM or the Rper controlling a particular PC. You cannot move any character, NPC or otherwise, other than your own. You may not state how another character feels being around your character such as they are turned on, attracted, or repulsed by your character. You cannot state that your character suddenly is aware of something, sees something, knows something. You may totally know what to do but that doesn't mean your character does. The dice and the Gm are the final say. Again you may attempt ANYTHING but note just because you attempt it, it doesn't mean it will be successful. As the story progresses your character will have certain successes and certain failures. It just happens. Some times you will be damaged and have to lower your hit points and some times things will happen that will forever scar your character. The Gm will be keeping a running tally of all of that. The damage done physically is determined by the dice, as is the damage done mentally. The GM does NOT allow herself to have an opinionated hand in these events. She lets the dice decide to keep a level playing field for all. Even her own characters and NPCS are subject to the same effects of failures and traumatic situations as everyone elses. [/indent] [/hider] [/indent] [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛𝕋he 𝔻iceβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color][hider=Rolls][indent] Dice will be used a lot in this game. For anything from seeing if you are able to stab someone, to if your character notices a clue, to finding traps, etc. They won't be used for everything but be aware that rolls are common practice with this Rp and it is why you have a set list of skills and abilities. There are also bonuses and penalties granted during some rolls that are determined by circumstance, weather, your characters stats and abilities, their weaknesses and assets, and more. The Gm takes all of this into account each time a roll is requested. Please note when posting you are under a "time limit" - so when you call for a check you are in an "action round" - this is roughly 10 seconds. That is NOT a lot. It is usually enough time for a character to perform 1 and only 1 action. Examples include but are not limited to: [list][*] Running away. [*] Attacking someone or something. [*] Trying to completely dodge an attack. [/list] Now in general Rp posting, you don't want to cover more than say 10 minutes of time in your post and usually far less than that if you are talking with someone or around others. There will be times your post will need to cover extended periods of time but let's not worry about that right now. Those will be explained each time they come up with notes in the IC and Chat. In this Rp you will need to call for your rolls. And remember, many actions require them. There is NOT autoing in this RP. (You don't auto succeed in any skilled action or attempt having to do with any PC, NPC, or the world.) Most things are broken down into Ability Checks And Saves. There are others yet most any Roll will follow the basic formula below. If you have questions just ask. You will usually get one of three answers: Reread the original OOC post, the answer you need directly, or no spoilers. Below is your basic roll outline but it is explained in more detail further down in the read. [b][color=rosybrown][u]Basic Roll Breakdown[/u][/color][/b][list][*] The Gm sets up the the environment and situation. Describing such things as flora and fauna, weather, ambiance. What the characters will see, hear, and smell just from being in the area. [*] The Rpers give their general reactions and declare if they are attempting anything. Is your character paying particular attention to a certain smell? Looking more closely at something? Checking the walls for hidden latch or floor for a trap? [list] [*] If your character is going to attempt something, you type up the attempt and you message the GM and let them know. (If you are just going to do a general response with no attempts, simply go ahead and post.) [*] The Gm determines if a roll is required. [list][*] If not the Gm simply describes in detail any results. [*] If a roll is required the Rper will make a roll in the Rp Chatroom. [*] The Gm will inform the Rper of the results. [/list] [*] The Rper now makes a post of said actions and results.[/list] [*] Now the Rper waits for more Rpers to go through the process until they are ready to post again. [*] The Gm gives an Update. [*] The process repeats itself.[/list][/indent] [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛The Attemptsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent] Now before we get into specific attempts, let's talk about general actions. There is plenty you will not need a check for. Your character is assumed to be able to perform the basic tasks of life without issue. Things like walking across a room, opening a door, or looking out the window are all basic things. So as long as things are calm and you are in a daily general situation, a roll isn't required. That being said, if you wonder just ask. The GM is here to walk you through this and hold your hand as long as you wish. To start out I suggest you double check with the Gm in most situations until you are comfortable. It is far better to be overly cautious than to have to go back to edit. In the beginning many edits might be required just until everyone is on the same page. Do NOT feel bad if you need extra help or a suggestion if you are drawing a blank. Again, the GM is here to help you as much as you personally need. Some people need a bit more help than others and that is fine! I have some Rpers that I have never had to hold their hand, some I still guide even after years. It's all good as long as you try and are open to fixing issues without being a brat. We all make mistakes, even me! So if I fuck up, CALL ME ON IT! It's a lot to take in and remember, even I forget. [b][color=rosybrown][u]Ability Checks[/u][/color][/b][list][*] [color=rosybrown]When To Check:[/color] [list][*] Checks are needed when a character performs an action that is challenging, complicated, or the character is under pressure. Examples include but are not limited to:[list][*] Stabbing someone. [*] Shooting a target. [*] Engaging in a chase. [*] Using your Echelons Special Abilities. [*] Seducing an NPC (Seduction of a PC must be cleared with the respective Rper.) [*] Perception of something minor. (Finding something out of the ordinary) [*] Deduction of clues. (A lightbulb going off in your characters mind.)[/list] [*] All life and death situations need a check. Examples include but are not limited to:[list][*] Poison reactions. [*] Bleeding out. [*] Suffocation or choking. [*] Suicide attempts. [*] Bear love. [*] Malfunctioning toilets. [*] Rube Goldberg Chain reactions.[/list][/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]How To Check:[/color] [list][*] Type up your action and send it to the GM[*] Declare your action to the GM and any skills/abilities your character is using. [*] Gm will inform you of any penalties or modifiers for the scenario. [*] Roll a d20 in chat by typing !roll d20. [*] Gm will inform you of the outcome. [*] Write up your attempt and results in your post. [list][*]Along with anything else you need to include. [*] Make sure to fill out your header when you post.[/list][/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Special Note:[/color] [list][*] When you get to a point where you need to check, please note the following:[list][*] You will be rolling for your character and your character only. [*] Once your action is declared it can NOT be changed no matter the results. [*] Ability checks are resolved by trying to roll as low as possible on a d20. (For those that have been rping with me a long time that means you want the 1, you do NOT want the 20! It is the reverse for this!!!)[*] It is your job to call for rolls, not the Gms job to remind you. [*] Gm rolls for the world, NPCs, etc will all be public, results and declarations may or may NOT be made public. [list] [*] This is to keep certain aspects of the Rp in the dark so that suspense is built.[/list][/list][/list][/list] [b][color=rosybrown][u]Save Yourself![/u][/color][/b][list][*] [color=rosybrown]When To Save:[/color] [list][*] Saves happen when something happens to you. Examples include but are not limited to:[list][*] You have been poisoned.[*] You were stabbed.[*] Struck by lightning.[*] Had to listen to your dad telling of the night you were conceived.[*] Went to powder your nose after someone just had an IBS episode. [*] Been waterboarded. [/list][/list][/list][list][*] [color=rosybrown]How To Save:[/color] [list][*] You were just informed of the results of a roll, action, event. You declare you want to "Save" to the GM. [*] You declare your "Save." One makes the Save β€œagainst” or β€œversus” a hazard. Examples include but are not limited to:[list][*] Poison: Constitution Save Vs Poison.[*] Slipped: Dexterity Save to keep from busted ass damage.[*] Being Conned: Wisdom Check to see if I spot this guy is full of shit. [*] Walked in your parent doing the naughty: Charisma Save Vs Slipping into madness, Constitution Save Vs Losing my lunch, Dexterity Check to get the hell out of there, Perversity Save Vs getting turned on by the event!!![/list] [*] Gm will inform you of any penalties or modifiers for the scenario.[*] Roll a d20 in chat by typing !roll d20.[*] Gm will inform you of the outcome.[*] Write up your attempt and results in your post. [list][*]Along with anything else you need to include. [*] Make sure to fill out your header when you post.[/list][/list][/list][list][*] [color=rosybrown]Special Note:[/color] [list][*] All special notes from Ability Checks apply to Save Checks. [*] Save checks are to avoid some of the ill effects of an already determined outcome. [*] Save checks can reduce damage, stave off long term effects, or even save you from death. [*] The GM will not roll a save if you do not ask for one.[*] Saves are designated by the appropriate Ability Score. (Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and our special 7th: Perversity.) [*] Ability Checks and Saves have to be done in the same post if they are tied together. Examples include but are not limited to:[list][*] You were fighting off a would-be killer but failed and poison was injected into your arm, you declare you want to have a Constitution Save Vs Poison. [*] You failed your Dexterity Check to keep from slipping, you declare you want to have a Constitution Save Vs Damage. [*] You failed your perception check to note Sir Keystone had his hand on his stomach all night and wait outside the bathroom to go after him directly, you declare you want a Wisdom Save Vs Stupidity.[/list] [/list][/list][/indent][/indent] [/hider][/indent] [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛𝕃eveling 𝔸nd 𝔼xperienceβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [hider=Getting Stronger][indent] When you start a new character you start out at level 1 and with 0 experience points but that will change over the life of the character. As you Rp your character they will gain experience points. When enough experience points are gained, the character will level up. [color=rosybrown][b]Leveling:[/b][/color] When a character levels up they are granted certain rewards for leveling. This can include but is not limited to: [list][*] Additional dice roll for max HP. [*] Chance to chose one basic ability score to raise 1 point. [*] Chance to lower your perversity level by 1 point. [list][*] If you chose to lower your perversity you cannot raise a basic ability score. It is a pick 1 and only 1 scenario.[/list][*] Some echelons special abilities strength is measured by level, so the higher the level the stronger the skill. Make sure to take this into account when leveling.[*] Damage bonuses increase as characters level.[*] Tables for each Echelons basic level bonuses is listed in Appendix 3.[/list] [color=rosybrown][b]Experience:[/b][/color] Now, to gain experience you simply have to RP. Experience will be given to each character through out the course of the RP. What can you do to increase the amount of experience your character gains? Examples include but are not limited to: [list][*] General Attendance[list][*] Every character that is in the Rp will be granted 2 experience points for every Chapter their character is present for. [list][*] Characters present for less than the full chapter will only be granted 1 experience point. [*] Characters must have at least 4 IC posts to be granted ANY experience for chapter attendance. [/list][/list][*] Solving A Mystery[list][*] During the RP certain ~Mystery Cases~ will be posted in the OOC and IC. Examples include but are not limited to: [list][*] Who killed who? [*] What caused the maid to fall ill? [*] Why was the grave dug up? [*] Who is the heir?[/list][*] Only Mystery Cases officially posted by Lady A are considered. [*] Explanations of Cases will be posted when each case is presented. [*] Experience gained from solving a case will be limited to 1 and only 1 additional experience point per chapter. [list][*] Solving more than one case per chapter will not result in additional experience gained but will block others rpers from gaining experience. This could be useful.[/list][/list][*] Outstanding Rping[list][*] Sometimes someone thinks outside of the box and pulls off something masterful. This can be rewarded.[*] This is not effected by rolls. Anyone can get a good roll, what you do with the roll or scenario is what I am referring to as far as rewards with experience. [*] Experience granted for Outstanding Rping will be determined on a case to case basis but will never exceed 2 additional points of EXP per chapter.[/list][/list] Experience is only awarded at the end of a chapter. [/indent][/hider][/indent] [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛𝔻egradationβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [hider=Getting Weaker][indent] [i]Just as a character can get stronger they can also get weaker. What? You didn't think this was going to be a cake walk did you? Yes your character can get weaker just as you aging can make you weaker over time. Granted we aren't talking about typical aging like one would think but there are certain things that are going to come into play that will make things more difficult for your character. [indent][b][i][color=rosybrown]๑۩↛Hit Pointsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/color][/i][/b] Some things that you will have to deal with are just temporary and result in a loss of Hit Points. How many hit points you lose will be determined by dice just with how much damage you can inflict is. Examples of this include but are not limited to:[list][*] Getting injured.[*] Various diseases and illnesses.[*] Lack of sleep.[*] Lack of food or water.[*] Exertion.[*] Poison.[/list] A simple reduction of hit points and these things tend to be temporary. A good nights rest, some first aide, food and water, an antidote, and the like will take care of these things. You will slowly start to recover your hit points until you reach max again. Then you are fit as a daisy instead of pushing them up. Granted if you reach zero hit points, your character is dead. Sorry, no refunds or respawns. [b][i][color=rosybrown]๑۩↛Loss Of Experienceβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/color][/i][/b] Take a deep breath, currently in this RP loss of experience points is not an issue so I will not go into detail about it just yet. Consider this a marker for that being added in at a later date. I want to place this here though so you are aware that it will come into play at a later date. Your notice as it were so you aren't blind sided by it when it is implemented. Do note that when it is implemented, that it will be possible to lose enough experience to actually down grade your level. You have been warned. [b][i][color=rosybrown]๑۩↛Raising Perversityβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/color][/i][/b] Perversity, as stated before, measures your characters sanity and their morality. The higher the score the more insane and/or evil the person is. The average human has a perversity score of 9, middle of the ground. Not insane but not without issues. Not an angel but not without some corruption. As the score rises and falls the scales tip in one direction or the other. You never want to go full Perverse. As you go through the game your character could end up committing certain acts that can raise their perversity. At the end of each chapter, any character that has committed a corrupt act will have to roll against their charisma score to keep from having to raise their perversity score. If they fail the save, their perversity will go up by 1 point. Examples of this can include but are not limited to:[list][*] Torturing. [*] Betraying a loved one.[*] Killing someone.[*] Corrupting an innocent.[*] Rape.[/list] Perversity not only goes up when a character commits a corrupt act but also when they are witness to or are subjected to a disturbing event. Like with committing an act, if they have witnessed or been subjected to one, they will have to make a save versus their charisma to keep their perversity from raising. If they fail the save, their perversity score will go up by 1 point. Examples of this can include but are not limited to: [list][*] Getting drunk for the first time.[*] Being imprisoned.[*] Being tortured.[*] Creating obscene art.[*] Doing drugs.[*] Seeing a dead body for the first time.[*] Sexual assault.[*] Being betrayed.[*] Seeing a loved one die.[/list] The Gm will keep track of any events that occur that will require rolls by a character at the end of a chapter. Gm determines what is and is not considered roll worthy with these events and it will vary from character to character depending on the characters personality and background. It isn't up for debate. When a character perversity level reaches 20 they have gone stark raving mad. A physical side effect of this is their hair will turn instantly pure white no matter how old they are and will remain that way until the character dies. If this occurs, you will consult with the Gm on how to proceed as well as how to lower the score to a more viable level over time. (Or you can just continue to be mad.) Do note that if you hit 20, you character will not be kind or logical EVER - NOTHING and I mean NOTHING good comes from them as long as it remains a 20. [/indent][/i] [/indent][/hider][/indent] [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛𝕄ore 𝕋o β„‚omeβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent] Now as I have said in the rules, things will be added to and change as needed for the RP. This is your basics. This is our umbrella to cover you starting the RP. Different scenarios and situations will arise that perhaps will warrant more being added to this section. If and when that time comes I will. If not, great but I do want you to be made aware it can change. If I need to add in charts, more break downs, clarify things, etc. I will. If it becomes something I need to do rather often, a larger update will occur. For now this should get you started and give you a good idea of what to expect in the coming months and hopefully years. This system is the base for every Rp within the Illusory Liaisons Series. [/indent][/indent][/i] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝔸ppendixes[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [hider=Appendix 1 - Professions & Avocations][right][h2][i][color=rosybrown]β„™rofessions & 𝔸vocations π•Ž/𝔸ssociated 𝔹asic 𝔸bilities[/color][/i][/h2][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right][table][row][cell]Acrobat (Dexterity) Actor (Charisma) Alchemist (Intelligence) Animal Trainer (Wisdom) Apothecary (Intelligence) Archer (Dexterity) Architect (Intelligence) Aristocrat (Charisma) Armorer (Strength) Artilleryman (Dexterity) Assassin (Dexterity) Astrologer (Intelligence) Ballerina (Dexterity) Banker (Intelligence) Barber (Dexterity) Barker (Charisma) Beggar (Charisma) Blacksmith (Strength) Bone Setter (Dexterity) Boxer (Strength) Bricklayer (Strength) Bureaucrat (Intelligence) Burglar (Dexterity) Butcher (Dexterity) Butler (Charisma) Carpenter (Dexterity) Cartographer (Intelligence) Cavalryman (Dexterity) Charlatan (Charisma) Chemist (Intelligence) Chimney Sweeper (Constitution) Cicisbeo (Charisma) Clerk (Intelligence) Clockmaker (Dexterity) Con Artist (Charisma) Cook (Dexterity) Courtesan (Charisma) Courtier (Charisma) Cryptographer (Intelligence) Dancer (Dexterity) Doctor (Intelligence) Duelist (Dexterity) Dyer (Constitution) Embalmer (Constitution) Engineer (Intelligence) Executioner (Constitution) Farmer (Constitution) Farrier (Dexterity) Fisherman (Wisdom)[/cell][cell]Fletcher (Dexterity) Footman (Charisma) Forager (Wisdom) Forger (Dexterity) Furrier (Dexterity) Gambler (Wisdom) Gardener (Wisdom) Gem-cutter (Dexterity) Glassblower (Dexterity) Goldsmith (Dexterity) Governess (Charisma) Gravedigger (Strength) Grifter (Charisma) Guard (Strength) Guide (Wisdom) Gunsmith (Dexterity) Hairdresser (Dexterity) Herald (Charisma) Herbalist (Intelligence) Historian (Intelligence) Housewife (Constitution) Hunter (Dexterity) Infantryman (Strength) Janitor (Constitution) Jeweler (Dexterity) Journalist (Intelligence) Judge (Intelligence) Juggler (Dexterity) Knitter (Dexterity) Lady-In-Waiting (Constitution) Lady's Companion (Charisma) Lady's Maid (Constitution) Latrine Cleaner (Constitution) Lawyer (Charisma) Leather-worker (Dexterity) Leg-breaker (Strength) Librarian (Intelligence) Link-boy (Constitution) Maid (Constitution) Mason (Dexterity) Mathematician (Intelligence) Merchant (Intelligence) Messenger (Intelligence) Midwife (Wisdom) Miner (Strength) Musician (Dexterity) Nanny (Charisma) Novelist (Intelligence) Nun (Wisdom) [/cell][cell]Nurse (Constitution) Painter (Dexterity) Peddler (Charisma) Pewter-smith (Dexterity) Philosopher (Intelligence) Pimp (Charisma) Plumber (Strength) Poet (Wisdom) Police (Wisdom) Politician (Charisma) Porter (Strength) Preacher (Charisma) Priest (Wisdom) Prose Writer (Intelligence) Prostitute (Constitution) Quack Doctor (Charisma) Rat-catcher (Dexterity) Sage (Intelligence) Sailor (Wisdom) Scholar (Intelligence) Scout (Wisdom) Scribe (Intelligence) Sculptor (Dexterity) Sewer Worker (Constitution) Sexton (Constitution) Shipwright (Strength) Silversmith (Dexterity) Smelter (Constitution) Soldier (Dexterity) Stagehand (Dexterity) Surgeon (Dexterity) Sweeper (Constitution) Tailor (Dexterity) Tanner (Constitution) Tattooist (Dexterity) Teacher (Intelligence) Teamster (Wisdom) Thatcher (Dexterity) Thief (Dexterity) Thug (Strength) Tiler (Dexterity) Torturer (Dexterity) Town Crier (Charisma) Tracker (Wisdom) Valet (Constitution) Watchman (Wisdom) Weapon-smith (Dexterity) Weaver (Dexterity) Wet-nurse (Constitution)[/cell] [/row][/table][/hider] [hider=Appendix 2 - Mad Inventions] [right][h2][i][color=rosybrown]𝕄ad 𝕀nventions 𝔹y 𝕃evel[/color][/i][/h2][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] *Only 1st level is listed currently, others will be added as needed. All Mad Inventions are created by the Von Batty personally from some bizarre science. [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛𝕃evel πŸ™β†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent][i] [b]Banish Vermin:[/b] [list][*] Affects entire area nearby (GM discretion) [*] Lasts until Dawn [*] All normal vermin in the Nearby Area are forced to flee. The effects banishes such things as rats, lice, fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders, centipedes, mice, and other such unwanted small animals. This effect is commonly used to create a restful area for sleep. It has no effect on larger creatures.[/list] [b]Beguile:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 nearby recipient [*] Lasts one conversation or interactions [*] User gains a +3 Bonus on any Charisma Checks to determine a Recipient's opinion of the User or the User's words. Any normal situational Penalties still apply. The effect does not increase Charisma per se, and does not benefit any other Charisma Checks or Saves. Blatantly invoking this effect in front of a Recipient will naturally make the intended Recipient suspicious of the User, invalidating the power.[/list] [b]Daze:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 nearby recipient [*] Lasts 10 seconds (1 round) [*] The Recipient's mind becomes momentarily confused, causing them to lose their next action.[/list] [b]Close Wounds:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 touched recipient [*] Happens instantaneously [*] Wounds close and bleeding stops[/list] [b]Create Water:[/b][list][*] Affects nearby area [*] Lasts until dawn [*] Drinkable water is created. The water must be created in a non-living container, on a non-living surface, or in the air (where it can be made to fall in either a column or dispersed downpour). The User can make up to 2 Gallons per level. Water cannot be created inside a living being. Each Gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, so a 20 Gallon column of water falls with the force of a 160 pound object. Unless the water is drank or incorporated into another substance it will completely evaporate at dawn.[/list] [b]Enhanced Hearing:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 touched recipient [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The Recipient's sense of hearing becomes similar to that of a cat. The Recipient can hear small mice moving inside walls, as well as sounds too highly-pitched to be detected by human ears. The Recipient suffers only a -2 Penalty (instead of the usual -4) when fighting opponents they cannot see. Unfortunately, the Recipient also suffers a -3 Penalty on Saves against loud noises such as Shouting.[/list] [b]Enhanced Sense of Smell:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 touched recipient [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The Recipient gains a sense of smell equal to that of a dog. The Recipient can actually distinguish individuals by their smell, defeating disguise effects that disguise personal appearances without altering scent. They are able to smell bodies buried in shallow graves, or animals burrowing close to the surface. They suffer only a -2 Penalty (instead of the usual -4) when fighting opponents they cannot see. Additionally, the Recipient has the ability to track creatures by scent until the end of the effect. Unfortunately, the Recipient also suffers a -3 Penalty on Saves against strong smells.[/list] [b]Enhanced Sense of Taste:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 touched recipient [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The Recipient gains a sense of taste far exceeding the most talented wine expert. The Recipient can easily distinguish between flavors that seem identical to ordinary people. The Recipient gains a +3 Bonus on any Intelligence Checks to determine a substance's identity and properties by taste. Since the Recipient can also detect the most minute concentrations of flavors and react accordingly, they also gain a +3 on Saving Throws to avoid ingested poisons. Unfortunately, the Recipient becomes completely unable to swallow anything but the best food and drink. Things like ship biscuit become disgustingly inedible.[/list] [b]Enhanced Sense of Touch:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 touched recipient [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The Recipient gains a sense of touch so acute that he can read inked pages in total darkness. The Recipient can also make an Intelligence Check to distinguish a solid substance by touch alone. For example, in total darkness the User might be able to tell if the walls of a building are granite or ordinary field stone, or if a coin is copper or gold. Unfortunately, the Recipient also suffers a -3 Penalty on Saves against pain.[/list] [b]Enhanced Vision:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 touched recipient [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The Recipient can see in daylight with an ability similar to an eagle. The Recipient is able to distinguish detail and recognize faces at a range of 1 mile in clear conditions. They also receive a +3 Bonus when attacking with artillery weapons. Unfortunately, the Recipient also suffers a -3 Penalty on Saves against blindness or shock from bright light.[/list] [b]Feather Fall:[/b][list][*] One Nearby man-sized Recipient (or equivalent size and weight) per Level, including User [*] From fall until landing [*] The Recipients fall slowly and softly, taking no damage upon impact. Feather Fall can be activated in a mere moment to order to quickly save falling Recipients. If Feather Fall is used on an object about to fall on a potential victim, the would-be victim will have the opportunity to move out of the object's path. The effect doesn't change the actual weight of an object, so a heavy weight affected by Feather Fall will still crush victims who cannot get out from underneath it.[/list] [b]Ghost Lights:[/b][list][*] Users visual range [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The User can create either 1 – 4 floating balls of light equal in illumination to torches, or one glowing humanoid shape. The User can move the Ghost Lights as desired, but they must stay Nearby each other at all times. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A light fades away out if it moves out of the User's visual range. [/list] [b]Ghost Sounds:[/b][list][*] Affects Nearby Area [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The User creates phantom sounds equal in maximum volume to that of 4 people per User Level. The User can specify what sound they are creating, and how it seems to be moving through the environment. The User can program the sound to change in volume, or remain at a fixed intensity. The sound can be anything within the volume limit, but cannot replicate understandable speech (although indistinct speech or gibberish is possible). Once the User specifies what sound they are creating, they cannot change it.[/list] [b]Know Direction:[/b][list][*] Affects the User [*] Instantaneous [*] The User knows the precise direction of true North, and the direction they are currently facing. The knowledge is momentary, and does not prevent the User from getting lost again.[/list] [b]Light:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 touched object [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] Either a touched object, or the air itself, sheds light that brightly illuminates the Nearby Area. If used on an object the object can be moved, and will shed Light wherever it is taken.[/list] [b]Mending:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 nearby object weighing up to 10lbs [*] Instantaneous [*] The User repairs damage to a small mundane item. A metal item (such as a chain or blade) will only have one break restored by the effect, but a wooden, glass, or ceramic item could be completely shattered and still be be repaired. Holes in cloth or leather are completely sealed as if they never existed.[/list] [b]Nightvision:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 Recipient [*] Lasts until dawn [*] The User can see in conditions of very low light with an ability equal to a cat. Shapes and contours are clearly apparent, but colors are barely distinguishable. Nightvision does not work in condition of total darkness (such as might be found underground), but can be used with as little light as a candle, or just the shining stars.[/list] [b]Open/Close:[/b][list][*] Affects one portal, or one item weighing up to 30 lbs, within 25' [*] Instantaneous [*] The User opens or closes a container, box, bag, door, pouch, or other such item at a distance. The item must not be locked, barred, or secured in any way.[/list] [b]Purify Food and Drink:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 human meal's worth of food and drink per User Level [*] Instantaneous [*] Decayed, spoiled or contaminated food and drink become safe, wholesome and nutritious again. If not eaten the food and drink will degrade again at the normal rate. [/list] [b]Whispered Message:[/b][list][*] Affects 1 visible Recipient per User Level, plus User [*] Lasts 1 hour [*] The User can have a whispered conversation with one or more desired Recipients at a far distance. The effect can cut through ambient noise, allowing a User to initiate a conversation with a desired paramour on the other side of a crowded ballroom, for example. The Recipient of a Whispered Message can likewise whisper and be heard by the User. The Recipient must be initially visible to the User, but can subsequently be anywhere. Whispered Message is blocked by thick surrounding walls without an opening, or a lead enclosure. The User (and replying Recipients) must actually move their lips and be whisper in order to use the Whispered Message effect.[/list][/i][/indent][/indent][/hider] [hider=Appendix 3 - Advancement Tables] [right][h2][i][color=rosybrown]𝔸dvancement 𝕋ables 𝔹y 𝔼chelon[/color][/i][/h2][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] *Each advancement table listed below includes level, required experience points to be earned to gain that level, total amount of hit dice for that level, and total damage bonus per level. Please note that if it is listed 1d6 for level 1 and 2d6 for level 2: that means at character generation it is a 1d6 roll, when the character levels they get 1 additional roll of 1d6. Example - level 1: roll 1d6, results in a 3 - level 2: roll 1d6, results in a 1 - total max hp at level 2 is 4. Same goes for damage bonus and experience needed, it is the total for that level. [hider=Outlaw] [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Level⊱[/b][/color] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Experience⊱[/b][/color] 0 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Hit Dice⊱[/b][/color] 1d8 2d8 3d8 4d8 5d8 6d8 7d8 8d8 9d8 10d8 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Damage Bonus⊱[/b][/color] +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 [/center][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider] [hider=Tomb Raider] [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Level⊱[/b][/color] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Experience⊱[/b][/color] 0 12 18 24 30 36 40 46 52 58 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Hit Dice⊱[/b][/color] 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 10d6 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Damage Bonus⊱[/b][/color] None +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 [/center][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider] [hider=Bohemian] [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Level⊱[/b][/color] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Experience⊱[/b][/color] 0 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Hit Dice⊱[/b][/color] 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 10d6 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Damage Bonus⊱[/b][/color] None +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 [/center][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider] [hider=Rake] [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Level⊱[/b][/color] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Experience⊱[/b][/color] 0 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Hit Dice⊱[/b][/color] 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 10d6 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Damage Bonus⊱[/b][/color] None +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 [/center][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider] [hider=Professor Von Batty] [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Level⊱[/b][/color] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Experience⊱[/b][/color] 0 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Hit Dice⊱[/b][/color] 1d4 2d4 3d4 4d4 5d4 6d4 7d4 8d4 9d4 10d4 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Damage Bonus⊱[/b][/color] None +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 [/center][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider] [hider=Purity] [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Level⊱[/b][/color] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Experience⊱[/b][/color] 0 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Hit Dice⊱[/b][/color] 1d4 2d4 3d4 4d4 5d4 6d4 7d4 8d4 9d4 10d4 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Damage Bonus⊱[/b][/color] None +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 [/center][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider] [hider=Everyman/Everywoman] [table=bordered][row][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Level⊱[/b][/color] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Experience⊱[/b][/color] 0 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Hit Dice⊱[/b][/color] 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 10d6 [/center][/cell][cell][center][color=rosybrown][b]⊰Damage Bonus⊱[/b][/color] None +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 [/center][/cell][/row][/table] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Appendix 4 - Perversity Scale] [right][h2][i][color=rosybrown]𝔼xamples 𝕆f β„™erversity[/color][/i][/h2][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] Now, giving a general 1 is innocent and 20 is evil isn't always the best way to describe how Perversity effects a person. Below you will find some examples of people from history and what their Perversity Score would have been in this RP. This should give you a more viable grasp of what the score can mean for your character. If you are not familiar with the names listed, a quick google search should give you the information you need. [indent][b][i][color=rosybrown]Perversity Score: Example[/color][/i][/b] 0: Angelic innocence 1: Saint Francis of Assisi 2: Joan of Arc 3: Socrates 4: Cyrus the Great 5: Marcus Aurelius 6: Abraham Lincoln 7: George Washington 8: Cato the Elder 9: Normal Human Perversity 10: Mary Shelley 11: Benjamin Franklin 12: Percy Bysshe Shelley 13: Casanova, Lady Emma Hamilton 14: Julie d'Aubigny, John Wilmot, Cagliostro, Lord Byron, Sir Francis Dashwood 15: Cleopatra, Valeria Messalina 16: Ivan the Terrible, Lucrezia Borgia 17: Roderic Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) 18: Marquis De Sade 19: Vlad Tepes 20: Countess Elizabeth Bathory, Caligula 21+: Infernal Perversity[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 5 - Transportation] [right][h2][i][color=rosybrown]Travel Specifics[/color][/i][/h2][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] As with most Rps, you will need to travel. Traveling can be a bit of an issue a lot of the time so here we have a simple break down of what traveling would cost a person and how long it would take to cover certain distances. This will be used as a base through out the series. [indent][b][i][color=rosybrown]Travel Times:[/color][/i][/b][list][*]Carriages & Carts:[list][*] 5 miles per hour. [*] Average rate of travel will be 30 miles a day, but 60 miles can be done on a good road with a change of horses[/list][*] Foot Travel: [list][*] 1 mph off-road[*] 1.5 mph on bad roads[*] 3 mph on good roads[*] Total distance for a full day's travel (including rests and stops to take care of bodily functions) will average:[list][*] 5 miles over rough terrain[*] 10 miles on bad roads[*] 20 miles on good roads.[/list][/list][*] Horseback:[list][*] 4 mph[*] A ridden horse travels an average of 30 miles per day.[/list][*] Watercraft: [list][*] Sailing craft average 120 miles a day[/list][/list] Please note that this is base travel times. If you are pushing, the rate of travel will increase but the amount of time you can hold it will diminish drastically. Abilities and skills are also taken into account for specific situations and will be handled on a need to deal with basis. [/indent] [indent][b][i][color=rosybrown]Travel Costs:[/color][/i][/b] Carriage, In Town: 18Β§ per hour Carriage, Between Towns: 120Β§ per day Ferry: 3 – 12Β§ to cross a river or pond Sail, Common Passage: 200Β§ per week Sail, Comfortable Passage: 1,000Β§ per week Sedan Chair: 5 – 7Β§ per mile, or 12Β§ an hour Stage Coach: 3Β§ per mile[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 6 - Header] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]ℍeader β„‚oding & ℝules[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [i][indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛ℝememberβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] The header is to be used at the top of all of your IC posts [*] Change out the color code to the one chosen for your character. [*] Currently in the section where it says character name you MUST use the alias that Lady A has assigned you. Do NOT use your characters real name! [*] You must to update the location of your character for every post. [*] You must list out all Special Abilities and Skills your character has received rolls for. [list][*] If no rolls were made, this means you are not using any skills. Place N/A in the space.[/list] [*] List out your current Hit Points. [list][*] You will subtract from this as you take damage.[*] You will add to this up to max as you heal. [*] Lady A will inform you when you take damage/heal and how much.[/list] [*] You may NOT add images into the header! (No links for images either.) [*] You may NOT alter the anyway other than what is listed above! [*] Posts with incorrect headers are considered incomplete. You will have to request to edit and edits must be in BEFORE your [u][i][b]previous[/b][/i][/u] counter is up.[list][*] Do NOT edit without getting Lady A's permission first![/list][/list][/indent] [hider=Header Code] [code][right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]Character Name[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Location:[/b][/i][/color] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Skills:[/b][/i][/color] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Hit Points:[/b][/i][/color] [color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right][/code] [/hider][/indent][/i] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 7 - Clue Sheet] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝕂eep 𝕋rack 𝕆f π•Žhat 𝕐ou 𝕂now[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [i][indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛ℝememberβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] This clue sheet is to help you keep track of what your character personally discovers as well as yourself.[list][*] It doesn't matter what YOU know, it matters what your character learns personally. Keeping track of what they learn will make it easier for you to back up your claims when you solve a case and keep metagaming to a minimal.[*] Use different colors to denote what you know and what your character knows.[/list] [*] PM the Clue Sheet to yourself. [list][*] Don't post it publicly. Why would you want anyone to pick up on what you know?[/list] [*] It is recommended you update this as you read new posts or get rolls.[list][*] It is easier to do it as you go along than to go back to get the information you need.[*] If you are in the Rp over the long haul, having notes from the year before can come in handy! (Just ask anyone that has been rping with me more than 6 months, shit from 3 years ago is still coming into play.)[/list] [*] Clue sheets are NOT required but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED![list][*] No, you don't have to use these but they are very handy. It seems like a lot of extra work but if you are in this to solve mysteries, to level faster, to get the upper hand these clue sheets are INVALUABLE.[/list] [/list][/indent] [hider=Clue Sheet Code] [code][right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝔻ear 𝔻iary[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [center][color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛Clue Iconsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color][/center][center]β•‘ [color=yellow]☯[/color] Red Herring β•‘ [color=orange]✿[/color] Seems Unlikelyβ•‘ [color=cyan]❅[/color] Investigate Further β•‘ [color=pink]β™‘[/color] Seducedβ•‘ β•‘ [color=ed145b]❦[/color] Cleared of Guilt β•‘ [color=limegreen]☣[/color] Main Suspect/Main Clue β•‘ [color=red]☒[/color] Probable/Most Likely β•‘ [color=gray]☠[/color] Guilty/Smoking Gun β•‘[/center] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [center][color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛Mystery Nameβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Who:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]Who was the victim or victims?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]What:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]What happened?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]When:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]When did it occur?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Where:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]Where did it happen?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Why:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]What was the motive or reason behind the crime?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]How:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]How did it happen?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Suspects:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]Who are you pointing the finger at?[list][*] Evidence~[/list][/list] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [center][color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛Mystery Nameβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Who:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]Who was the victim or victims?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]What:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]What happened?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]When:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]When did it occur?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Where:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]Where did it happen?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Why:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]What was the motive or reason behind the crime?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]How:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]How did it happen?[/list] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Suspects:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*]Who are you pointing the finger at?[list][*] Evidence~[/list][/list] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [center][color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛Suspicious Thingsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]Clues:[/b][/i][/color] [list][*] Other things you have seen [*] Or that your character has seen. [*] Things that don't make sense. [*] Things you want to look into further. [*] Sights or sounds. [*] Questions you need answered. [*] Anything you feel you need to put down so you don't forget![/list] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center][/code] [/hider][/indent][/i] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 8 - Diseases] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]π•Žhat's β„™laguing 𝕐ou?[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [i][indent] Everyone gets sick eventually, no matter what you do. In a time and place where common practices for cleanliness are not wide spread, where there is no extensive knowledge on how diseases spread, when medicine is mostly a hope and a prayer what started out as a cold can quickly turn into pneumonia and even death. Sexually transmitted diseases run rampant as there is hardly any protection and mostly people are more concerned with not getting pregnant than dying it seems. Food contamination can happen in the best of circumstances and in the tightly packed cities once one person becomes ill it can spread like wildfire. Now, with most diseases, due to the medicine available there is not always a cure. Most of the time it is rest and luck if the body fights it off. Some things have no known cure. That doesn't mean there isn't one or one couldn't be developed but there is none right now. (Please, for the love of argument don't pull the sudden ~oh my character knows or can figure out penicillin or some other such cure~ I'm just gonna drop the nope card and move on.) Below are a list of diseases the character could come across during the duration of the Illusory Liaisons Saga. These are not all of the diseases we may run across, so be aware more could come along. This is just a starter list. They are listed out by name and you will be given for each of them the following:[list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] How did this happen?[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] How long it is within the body with little to no symptoms before becoming contagious and progressing fully.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] What happens to let you know your sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Your side effects from the disease[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] How much damage your character takes while ill. Note damage is always 1 time per day they are sick unless otherwise noted.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] How to get better.[/list][/list] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝕋he β„™laguesβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=Disease List] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Black Blood (Sepsis):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Wound becomes infected[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 5-7 days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Fever[*] Chills[*] Rapid Heart Rate[*] Redness/Swelling/Pain/Puss At Wound Site[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Delirious[*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 [*] 1 Point Temporary Damage To ALL Abilities[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Wound must be cleaned and drained as needed.[*] Save Vs. Constitution on diagnosis.[*] Successful Save: Will take 2x days to recover from initial infection to diagnosis. [*] If Save fails, may repeat the next day in RP. [*] Death when Hp or Constitution reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Black Death (Plague):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Flea Bite from infected flea[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 2-5 Days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Black swellings in the groin, armpit, and/or neck[*] Gangrene of the extremities [*] High fever [*] Cramps[*] Chills[*] Vomiting, often bloody[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Sick[*] Disfigurement[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[*] 1 point permanent loss of Constitution, Dexterity, and Charisma[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Should be isolated from everyone.[*] Save Vs. Constitution on diagnosis.[*] Successful Save: Will take 1d4 days times days since infection to recover and no longer be contagious. [*] If Save fails may repeat the next day. Note: Each day that passes Constitution is reduced by 1. [*] Death when HP or Constitution reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Blood Drowning (Tuberculosis):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Breathing in droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1 to 100 weeks! (This means if you are infected at the beginning of the RP, it could take up to 2 year RP time for it to present itself!)[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Severe Coughing (often with blood)[*] High Fever[*] Chills [*] Pallid Complexion [*] Loss of Appetite [*] Weight Loss[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Severe Fatigue[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[*] 1 point temporary reduction of Constitution[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Character must make 3 Savings Throws in a row against Constitution.[*] If character makes all 3 saves at once, their body some how fought off the disease. If they only make 1, their constitution is not reduced that day but they still take 1d6 hp damage. If they only make one they still take 1 temporary deduction in Constitution but do not take 1d6 hp damage that day. [*] Repeat all 3 rolls the next day if any rolls fail. [*] Death occurs when HP or Constitution reaches 0. [/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Sponge Bloat (Edema):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Build up of fluids in the body.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] No incubation period.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Swelling[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Swelling in specific part of the body[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1 point temporary reduction in Dexterity & Charisma. (This is a 1 time only reduction but the deduction remains until cured.)[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Rest and Elevation. [*] Save Vs Constitution. [*] If save is made, recovers in 1d4 days. [*] If save fails, you take no damage but retain the temporary dexterity and charisma reduction. [*] If save fails may roll again the next day.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]The Black Shits (Dysentery):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Consumption of food or drink infected by contact with feces[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1-6 Days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Severe diarrhea, often bloody[*] Dehydration[*] Stomach Pain[*] High Fever [/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Delirious[*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1 point temporary reduction in strength, dexterity, and constitution.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Save vs Constitution [*] If save is made character will recover in days equal to illness since onset of symptoms.[*] If Save fails may roll again the next day. [*] Death occurs when Constitution reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Chefs Revenge (Food Poisoning):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Improperly prepared or stored food.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1 Hour - 6 days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Severe diarrhea[*] Stomach Pain[*] High Fever[*] Dehydration[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1 point temporary reduction in strength, dexterity, and constitution.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Save vs Constitution [*] If save is made character will recover in days equal to illness since onset of symptoms.[*] If Save fails may roll again the next day. [*] Death occurs when Constitution reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Twilight Drip (Gonorrhea):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Sexual contact with an infected person[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1-12 Days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Burning during urination[*] Genital Discharge[*] Pain in pelvic region.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[*] 1 point temporary reduction in dexterity and constitution.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution[*] If Save succeeds will fully recover in 1d6 + 12 days as long as they are not sexually active with anyone, anything or themselves. If they continue to partake in the sins of the flesh they won't start to recover HP or Basic Abilities until they stop. [*] Sexual activity during this time will also constitute an additional 1d4 damage. [*] If save fails, may reroll the next day.[*] Death occurs when constitution or HP reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Rheum (Influenza):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Breathing in droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1-2 Days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] High Fever [*] Chills [*] Runny Nose[*] Sneezing[*] Coughing[*] Muscle Weakness[*] Malaise[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[*] Temporary 1 point reduction in strength, dexterity, constitution, and intelligence.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Save vs Consitution[*] If Save is successful, will recover in 1d6 weeks as long as bed rest is maintained.[*] If save fails, may reroll the next day.[*] Death occurs when Hp or Constitution reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Mad Froth (Rabies - Early Stage):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] The bite of an infected animal (or person)[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 2-12 Weeks[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Malaise[*] Melancholy[*] Headache[*] Drooling[*] Aversion to drinking fluids [/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Sick [*] Easily susceptible to other diseases[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1 point permanent Constitution damage[*] 1 point temporary reduction in dexterity, intelligence, and wisdom[*] 1d6 damage[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] There is no cure. [*] May Save vs Constitution to stave off temporary ability reductions[*] May Save vs. Constitution to stave off 1d6 Hp Damage. [*] Constitution is reduced daily no matter what.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Mad Froth (Rabies - Late Stage):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Early Stage Mad Froth[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] Occurs 1-4 days after incubation period of Early Stage Made Froth is over.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Insanity [*] Extreme Aggression[*] Foaming At The Mouth[*] Muscular Spasms [*] Aversion to drinking fluids. [*] Dehydration[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Manic[*] Paranoid[*] Aggression[*] Delirious [*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[*] 1 point permanent reduction in All Basic Abilities[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] There is no cure, there is no save.[*] Death occurs when Hp or Constitution reaches 0. [*] A bullet to the head is kinder.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Rot (Leprosy):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Close and prolonged bodily contact with an infected person[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1-6 years[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Runny nose[*] Numbness in extremities[*] Lesions[*] Loss of skin pigmentation[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Weak [*] Disfigured[*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] There is no cure. [*] Death occurs when HP reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Ague (Malaria):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] The bite of an infected mosquito[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 6 – 24 days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Alternating periods of chills and sweating[*] High Fever[*] Muscular Pain[*] Headache[*] Coughing[*] Nausea[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage [*] 1 point temporary deduction of all abilities[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Ague is an incurable disease. [*] Chronic condition [*] Save vs Constitution to send it into dormancy. [*] Successful save and the disease goes dormant for 2d12 months. [*] Failed roll may be rerolled the next day in Rp. [*] Death occurs when HP reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Pirates Punishment (Scurvy):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Not consuming any fresh fruits or vegetables.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] Not contagious: begins 1 months without any fresh fruit or vegetables.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Malaise [*] Fatigue[*] Pallor[*] Pain in bones and muscles[*] Skin lesions [*] Bleeding gums[*] Hypersensitivity of the senses[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Weak[*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Eating fresh fruit or vegetables.[*] No savings throw. [*] Death occurs when HP reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Variola (Smallpox):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Breathing in droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person, skin to skin contact, or contact with infected bedding or blankets.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 10-15 Days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] High Fever[*] Chills[*] Weakness[*] Malaise [*] Coughing[*] Running Nose[*] Blisters and Rash over entire body[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Weak[*] Disfigurement (Permanent)[*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1 point temporary reductions Charisma, Dexterity, and Constitution[*] 1d6 Damage[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] 2 Successful Save Vs Constitution rolls in one day[*] Successful Save and character will recover in 1d6 weeks. [*] Single or double failure and you may reroll the next day. [*] Single success grants nothing. [*] Disfigurement is permanent even after cure. [*] Death occurs when Constitution or HP reach 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Lava Rocks (Kidney/Bladder Stones):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Dissolved minerals crystallized in the urine.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] Not contagious [/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Severe Pain[*] Bloody Urine[*] Nausea[*] Chills[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] In Pain[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 Damage[*] 1 point temporary deduction in dexterity [/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Pass the stone[*] Save vs Constitution to pass stone [*] Successful roll means stone passes and character will recover in 1d3 days. [*] Character will endure 1d6 more damage passing the stone. [*] Failed save may be rerolled the next day. [*] Death occurs when HP reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Lust Swarm (Syphilis Stage One):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Sexual Contact with an infected person.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 3 - 90 Days[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Painless open sore usually around the mouth or genitals.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1 point permanent reduction in Constitution (one time only)[*] 1 point increase to Perversity (one time only)[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Character gets 1 and only 1 Savings Throw Vs Constitution. [*] If successful, patient is cured![*] Failed save means Swarm progresses to stage 2 in 4d3 Weeks.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Lust Swarm (Syphilis Stage Two):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Lust Swarm Stage One[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 4 - 12 weeks[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Body rash, especially on the palms and soles of the feet.[*] Wart-like lesions. [*] High Fever[*] Malaise[*] Sore Throat[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Disfigure (possible)[*] Sick[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1 point permanent reduction in Charisma, Intelligence, and Constitution (One time only)[*] 1d6 points increase in Perversity (one time only)[*] 1d6 Damage[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Cannot be cured at this point[*] Second Stage Swarm will go dormant in 3d2 Weeks even if all Savings Throws fail. [*] Save Vs Constitution to send Swarm into immediate dormancy[*] Roll 1d20 to know how many years it will go dormant[*] Death occurs if HP reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Lust Swarm (Syphilis Stage Three):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Lust Storm Stage 2[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1 - 20 Years[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Large, disfiguring swellings on the face and body.[*] Loss of Nose[*] Insanity[*] Shooting Pains[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Demented[*] Disfigured[*] Sick[*] Weak[*] Clumsy[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 point increase to Perversity (one time)[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] At the end of the dormancy period the character as a 1 shot Save Vs Constitution to see if the disease comes our of dormancy or develops into Stage 3. [*] If the roll succeeds, makes another 1d20 roll to see how many more years it will remain dormant.[*] If the roll fails, it progresses into stage 3. [*] Death occurs when HP reaches 0.[/list][/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Enteric Fever (Typhoid):[/color][/i][/b] [list][*] [color=rosybrown]Cause:[/color][list][*] Consumption of food or drink infected by contact with feces.[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Incubation Period:[/color][list][*] 1 - 3 weeks[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Symptoms:[/color][list][*] Week 1[list][*] High Fever[*] Weakness[*] Cough[*] Abdominal Pain[*] Diarrhea or constipation[/list][*] Week 2[list][*] Rash [*] High Fever[*] Weakness[*] Cough[*] Abdominal Pain[*] Severe diarrhea or constipation[*] Distended Abdomen[/list][*] Week 3[list][*] High Fever[*] Cough[*] Abdominal Pain[*] Severe diarrhea or constipation[*] Distended Abdomen[*] Delirious [*] Incapacitated [/list][/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Imposed Afflictions:[/color][list][*] Sick [*] Delirious (By week 3)[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Damage:[/color][list][*] 1d6 damage [*] 1 point temporary reduction in Strength[*] 1 point temporary reduction in Dexterity[*] 1 point temporary reduction in Constitution[/list] [*] [color=rosybrown]Cure:[/color][list][*] Must save separately against Damage, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution daily. [*] Successful save against any of them you do not suffer that specific type of reduction that day. [*] Must save against all 4 at once to be cured. [*] 4 Successful saves in 1 day and player recovers in 1d20 weeks. [*] Death occurs when Constitution or HP reaches 0.[/list][/list][/hider] [/indent][/i] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 9 - Medicine] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]π•Žhat's π•Œp 𝔻oc?[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [i][indent] The doctor is in! And that could be a bad thing. You see, right now what you would consider modern medicine is barely in its infancy. Sure we know people have organs, we see them when a body is cut open. What is within those organs, what makes us sick, what cures us, that is really still up in the air. Knowledge is very limited. The Medical field is still learning! Frankly, it's a joke. Quackery is the rule of the day. Be prepared. You see, apparently everyone is composed of the four elements: Earth (Your flesh, tissues, and organs), Air (What you breath in), Sea (Any liquids in your body), And Fire (Your life's essence, your soul). When one becomes ill right now, it is believed that it is because your Elements are out of balance. If one becomes well, your elements were rebalanced. If you die, the scale got tipped too far in one direction. Yeah, like I said, we are just out of the dark ages... God help you if you get sick. Blood letting, leeches, cupping are all common practices right now. If you have surgery you are going to find out exactly what it means to bite the bullet because baby you aren't getting sedated and anesthesia might as well be euthanasia. Gotta see the dentist? It's like visiting a traveling carnival of torture. Most medicines are either herbal concoctions or toxic materials: both can have you pushing up daisies. Prolonged illnesses are common, confining one to a bed for weeks or months at a time. Shit and seeing a doctor can only make things worse. So word of warning - If you get sick, stay away from the doctor! What's worse than being physically ill? Being mentally ill! Chances are high they will just place you in a Mad Mans Coat, toss you into a filthy stone room and toss food to you through the bars. And that is if you are lucky and don't become an experiment for some Dr. Von Batty who thinks beating, burning, and torturing will make you snap back into your senses. And of course, they will charge people just to see you fall further down the rabbit hole. *[color=ed1c24]Hypodermic needles have NOT been invented yet. So when something is listed as ~injected~ it means that an animal bladder is being used as your ~syringe~ and a goose quill is your ~needle~ - using a similar principle of an quill and inkwell.[/color] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔽irst 𝔸ideβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=Where's a Boy Scout When You Need One?] First aide is nothing like you would think. In fact it can do more harm than good. Remember medical practices are a joke. Granted there are a few common sense practices in play. People with a medical or healing background would know to stop bleeding if you can. That if something is ripped they might want to try to sew it back together. Things of this nature. Midwives, lower class women who have children, or had to raise others, and the like would have a general knowledge. Your average person would not. Remember you can attempt but it isn't always wise. Take notes of the following:[list][*] To perform first aide the person must have bandages, sewing needles and thread, pitch, or some other means available to stop bleeding or help with trauma. [*] Severely wounded people can only be helped the smallest amount with first aide.[*] When you try first aide you must pass a dexterity check. If you succeed they get 1 HP back, if you fail they lose 1 HP![*] A character can only be helped once by First Aide, they can be injured by it multiple times![/list] [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛ℂhildbirthβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=Do you REALLY want kids?] Honestly, I really hope that no one turns up pregnant in this RP. Pregnancy in an Rp is tedious at best, I know personally. In this setting it is a fucking nightmare! So I am going to set it out there that unless you want to become pregnant you aren't going to get pregnant. Even if you want it, I will roll to see if you get knocked up. God I hope you fail the roll because seriously I don't even want to deal with it. Having said that, I am making sure this section is in place because someone, somewhere, at sometime will probably end up that way so just getting the information needed part out of the way so I don't have to later. Childbirth in this RP is a life endangering ordeal and the infancy mortality rate is extremely high. Low income families are SMALL. An alive woman that can work is more valuable than a dead mother and a potentially dead baby. And if a doctor attends the birth you can pretty much write off mommy dearest. But if you become pregnant, and you carry to term, and you go into labor... This is what you are going to have to deal with:[list][*] Labor will last 1d20 hours.[list][*] You must Save Vs Constitution every hour of labor.[*] If you fail you will take 1d3 damage per hour of labor.[/list][*] Once labor is over, childbirth itself will last 1d12 hours.[list][*] You must Save Vs Constitution every hour of childbirth.[*] If you fail you will take 1d6 damage.[/list][*] Midwives have herbal meds that can heal 1 point of damage, one time, thus saving a woman that would have died.[*] Male doctors will be repulsed by such herbal meds and refuse to use them. So if you are a male and a doctor, that means NO![*] Male doctors will refuse to wash their hands for birth.[*] If a Cesarean is needed this is surgery.[list][*] You will take 2d6 damage from the surgery.[*] There is a 1 in 5 chance you will bleed out.[*] There is a 1 in 5 chance you will develop blood rot if you survive.[/list][*] Even if everything goes smoothly, there is a 50% chance of infant mortality between the time of birth and the end of the first 24 hours. [*] There is another 25% chance the infant will die before their first birthday.[/list] [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔻iseasesβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=Ewww Cooties!] Diseases happen, a lot in this world. Lack of real knowledge on how to prevent diseases makes the smallest of maladies spread like wildfire. Lack of Hygiene plays heavily on this. Most people can't bathe regularly, at best a hand and face washing in the morning or evening meal. Even those with money don't usually bathe daily. Clean water sources are usually contaminated on some level so bathing is a luxury that even the rich might partake once a week in. Washing your clothing? Yeah, not happening. Maybe once a month! So if you are exposed, there is a decent chance you will come down with the malady. Even if you don't there is a chance you will spread it to others just because of associated contact. Some diseases are not contagious but are still horrible. Either way, they are not fun. If you are exposed to a disease or a situation that can cause disease you must Save Vs Constitution to keep from becoming ill. What happens if you do? Most diseases will put you in bed rest for weeks or even months at a time. Might want to call the doctor! No, seriously, that was a joke. Don't. Each disease is different and affects each person differently. There will be symptoms, affliction, damage, and even death from a disease. Refer to Appendix 8 - Diseases for details. [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛ℂreating 𝕄edicineβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=What I would give for some Nyquil!] You thought doctors were a joke? Medicine is even worse. They are either natural herbs, toxic, or completely and utterly worthless. People will peddle anything to make a coin and those who are sick are about willing to buy and try anything, especially if there is a good story behind it. [list][*] Characters with a medical, herbal, or even alchemical training can attempt to create a medicine. [list][*] Must make an intelligence check to be able to make a medication. [*] If successful it is assumed that the character has what is needed either on hand or close by. [list][*] They won't always and it will be subjected to GM discretion.[/list][*] If the roll fails, you may not be informed and only think you can. [list][*] Failed rolls that you are not informed of, you will still create something.[*] The failed medicine will cause a minimal of 1d3 damage of harm to the patient.[*] It could kill them out right[/list][/list][*] Medicines can heal.[list][*] Could heal up to 1d6 Hp. [*] Could Grant another Save Vs Constitution to stop the disease.[*] You must state what kind of medicine you are trying to create.[/list][*]Every medicine will have some sort of side effect.[list][*] If the medicine is not already listed in Appendix 10 - The Apothocary, the GM will decide.[/list] [/list] [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝕄ercuryβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=The cure is worse than the disease!] Now while most medicines are covered above and in Appendix 10, Mercury gets special recognition. It is a favorite among physicians. It can be prescribed for nearly anything, and especially against venereal diseases. It can be ingested, rubbed on as a salve, or even injected into wounds. It is moderately effective but only because it is a very powerful toxin. Yes, it could kill the infection but it can potentially kill the patient. In fact it will eventually if you aren't careful. (Granted most medicines will if over used but this one is particularly nasty.) Mercuries toxicity is suspected to a small degree but even those that suspect it will wrongly assume that it's toxicity is far less than it is and that it is more than worth the chance. (Most of the time it isn't.) [list][*] Damage Caused By Mercury (Per Dose!):[list] 1 point PERMANENT decrease in ALL Basic Abilities. (This means all your basic ability stats drop by 1, and that your max drop by 1 as well across the board.)[*] Inflicts 1 point of HP Damage.[*] Perversity increases by 1.[/list][*] Patient receives 1 additional Save Vs Constitution to cure the disease.[*] It has NO effect on noncontagious diseases or disorders, Mad Froth, or Rot.[*] Side Effects:[list][*] Disorientation, Melancholy, Clumsiness, and Profuse Salivation! (All of these at once!)[*] Teeth will eventually turn black and then fall out, along with the characters hair.[/list][/list] [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔹leedingβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=You want to do what?!?!] You know how I mentioned that doctors believe that the reason people get sick is because their elements are unbalanced? Yeah, well what do you do when you overfill your cup? You pour it out. That is about the same amount of logic doctors are using when it comes to bleeding. If your elements are unbalanced they figure if they drain part of the problem it will rebalance your system. They could use leeches, just cut you open, or even some other more twisted means to remove your blood. FUN! [list][*] One pint of medically controlled Bleeding removed 1 pint of blood every 15 minutes.[*] For every pint of blood lost past the first results in a 1/3 reduction in current HP.[list][*] And a 2 point temporary reduction in constitution[/list][*] Bleeding does NOTHING to cure ANYTHING![list][*] It usually just makes matters worse.[*] This is usually a doctors first course of action in a medical situation. There is only a 1 in 20 chance they won't. [/list][/list] [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔸ddictionβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider= All the kids are doing it.] Addiction happens and it is a disease in it's own right. The thing is, some things you can become addicted to can have both a positive and a negative effect. It is why it gets its own section here instead of just being listed with diseases. Anytime a character partakes in an addictive substance there is a chance they will form a dependency on it. How addictive a substance is listed with that particular substance in Appendix 15 - The Apothecary. When a character becomes addicted to a substance they will eventually build up a tolerance for it. That means they won't be getting as many of the negative effects of the drug but they also won't be getting the positive ones either. That is unless they up the dosage. So effects and overdose amounts are on a sliding scale. It takes far less for a first time or casual user to over dose than an addict. As a general rule of thumb a character can take a single dose of an addictive substance for days equal to their constitution before needing to up the dose to get the same results. Certain drugs this happens much quicker. Now, if an addict can't get their fix, they start to go through withdrawal. This gives you the Affliction ~Sick~ and imposes the same penalties as if they had a disease. If this happens they must Save Vs Constitution or suffer each day. If they make the roll they stop withdrawing and break their addiction. Now this is just for mild withdrawal. Severe comes with not only the Affliction Sick but also imposes 1 point reduction in HP and 1 point temporary reduction in Constitution until they kick the habit, get another fix, or die. [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]ΰΉ‘Ϋ©β†›π•Šurgeryβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [hider=I'd trust the butcher more.] If you have gotten to this point, I suggest that you go write up a new character if you haven't already. Surgery at this point is less evolved than a 5th grader dissecting a frog. Actually, thinking on it you'd rather have that kid most likely. Chances are they know more about modern medicine than your surgeon does. What can you expect from surgery? Probably nothing good and it is only performed in the most extreme situations: like needing to cut off a limb or emergency C-section. Examples of common occurrences in surgery include but are not limited to:[list][*] Bleeding out.[*] 1d6 damage per 15 minutes.[*] Missed bleeders.[*] Infections setting in.[*] Getting a disease your doctor is currently unaware they have.[*] Going into shock.[*] Heart attack induced by pain.[*] Death[list][*] Now if you happen to survive, a surgeon can administer first aide. Hope they don't fuck that roll.[/list][/list] [/hider] [/indent][/i] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 10 - Goods/Services/Possessions] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]Going Once, Going Twice, Sold![/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [i][indent] What we have below are a list of various goods, services, entertainments, weapons, and more that can be found within the Illusory Liaisons Series. Please note, this is not everything. Not even going to try to list all that out. This is just a general list to give you an idea of various things, prices are approximate, and of course can be haggled if one is skilled or charismatic enough. Now certain things, it doesn't matter how much money you have, you just cannot have it if you are the wrong class or even the wrong family. Superstitions are strong, family feuds are stronger. So be aware that at anytime you may be told that your character just can't have it and a reason might not be provided. (Insert a no spoilers clause here if you get the drift.) - Don't worry, everything will be fair as far as game mechanics go. Also note that due to circumstances most things are not new, they are old, worn out - even for the rich. Larger homes and buildings are all from before the storms. So take this into consideration, even many of the richer fabrics are old and worn or frayed. All items are listed per Sera, the games currency, represented by a Β§ symbol. [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔸rts & Entertainmentsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Things to Do] [indent]Claude Glass (black mirror for appreciating landscapes): 12Β§ Fan, Lady's: 12 - 250Β§ Locket, Gold: 1,000Β§ Pocket-watch: 500Β§ Portrait: 1,000Β§+ Ring, Gold: 750Β§ Ring, Jeweled: 2,000Β§+ Ring, Silver: 60Β§ Shade (Silhouette) Portrait: 30Β§ Snuffbox, Decorated: 500Β§+ Sculpture, Marble Bust: 5,000Β§+ Animal Fight (Cockfight, Bear Baiting,etc.): 6Β§ entry, plus bets Art Show Admission: 12Β§ Ballet Tickets: 20-60Β§ Lending Library Subscription: 300Β§ a year Mechanical Art Show: 36Β§ Opera Tickets: 30-96Β§ Theater Tickets: 20-60Β§ Prostitute, Common Streetwalker (per act): 12 – 100Β§ Prostitute, Brothel (per night): 250-1,500Β§+ Prostitute's Guidebook (Names, locations, and specialties): 30Β§ a copy Zoological Gardens Admission: Β§[/indent] [/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛ℂlothing & 𝔽abricβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Things To Wear][indent]Lower Class Outfit: 200-300Β§ Middle Class Outfit: 1,000-5,000Β§ Upper Class Man's Outfit: 5000p-8,000Β§ Cotton, Chintz, 1 Yard: 60Β§ Cotton, Plain 1 Yard: 56Β§ Damask, 1 Yard: 132Β§ Lace, Cheap, 1 Yard: 2Β§ Linen, 1 Yard: 40Β§ Muslin, 1 Yard: 35Β§ Satin, 1 Yard: 56Β§ Silk Brocade, 1 Yard: 850Β§ Silk, Figured, 1 Yard: 250Β§ Taffeta, 1 Yard: 96Β§ Wool, 1 Yard: 50Β§ Velvet, 1 Yard: 200Β§ Fancy Trimmings For One Gown (Lace, Ribbons, etc.): 500Β§+ * Please note it will take between 15 & 30 yards of fabric for a 1 gown for a lady. About 5 yards are used for a mans coat and 2 for trousers and vest. It will take at least a week to sew a mans outfit and up to three months to create a single womans gown. Bedgown: 125-500Β§ Breeches: 45-350Β§ Chemise: 180-750Β§ Cloak, Cheap: 50Β§ Dress: 250Β§+ Gown: 80-5,500Β§+ Hairpiece, Woman's: 100Β§+ Hat, Man's: 250Β§+ Jacket: 150-1,000Β§+ Masquerade Ball Costume: 2,000Β§+ Petticoat: 50-3,000Β§+ Shirt, Cotton: 85Β§ Shoes: 65-200Β§+ Stays: 70Β§ Stockings: 35–200Β§ Trousers: 350Β§ Undergarments Man's: 50-90Β§ Waistcoat, Extravagant: 3,500Β§ Wig, Man's: 125 – 250Β§ Wig, Woman's: 200Β§+[/indent][/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔽ood & 𝔻rinkβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Things to Consume][indent] Remember, the water sucks. It is unsafe at best and just down right sludge at worst. It is common to find garbage and human waste in local water sources. Because of this everyone, including children, drink weak wine, hard cider, or beer all day as their basic liquid intake. Also, since Dentistry is a joke... most people's teeth are rotten by the time they are 30, so much food is boiled or reduced to a paste. Lower Class Meal: 3Β§ Middle Class Meal: 10-20Β§ Upper Class Meal: 50Β§+ Tavern or Steakhouse Meal: 20Β§ Bacon: 3Β§ pound Beef: 4Β§ a pound Beer: 3-5Β§ a quart Brandy: 100Β§+ a bottle Bread: 5-12Β§ Butter: 9Β§ a pound Champagne: 90Β§+ a bottle Cheese: 6-12pΒ§a pound Chocolate: 50Β§ a pound Chicken, Whole: 20Β§ Cocoa: 50Β§ a pound Coffee Beans: 100Β§ a pound Fish, Whole Fresh: 2Β§ Flour: 3Β§ a pound Fruits: 30Β§ a pound Pastry: 6Β§ Pig, Whole: 30Β§ Rabbit: 9Β§ Rum: 200Β§ a gallon Salt Pork: 3Β§ a pound Sugar: 7Β§ a pound Tea: 50-200Β§ a pound Wine: 20-60Β§ a bottle Whiskey: 100Β§ a bottle[/indent][/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔸nimalsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Living Things][indent]Chicken: 30Β§ Cock, Fighting: 50Β§+ Cow: 2,000Β§ Dog, Trained: 100Β§+ Dog, Lap: 240Β§+ Horse, Draft: 2,000Β§ Horse, Carriage or Riding (fine quality): 3,800Β§ Pig: 40Β§ Sheep: 40Β§ Songbird: 20Β§[/indent][/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝕄iscellaneous β„™ossessionsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Other Things][indent]Barometer: 250Β§ Book: 10-100Β§+ Candle: 2Β§ Clock: 250-500Β§+ Comb, Tortoiseshell: 9Β§ Dice: 4Β§ Chamber Pot: 12Β§ Lantern: 12Β§ Mirror, Hand: 6Β§ Newspaper: 1Β§ Oil Lamp: 20Β§ Shaving Razor: 5Β§ Soap (per piece): 1Β§ Playing Cards: 10Β§ Telescope: 250Β§ Writing Quill (4): 1Β§[/indent][/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]ΰΉ‘Ϋ©β†›π•Žeaponsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Things That Kill][indent] Okay, guns are very pricey. They cost around 3-4 months salary of the average worker and most of them are living hand to mouth. So no, you aren't going to realistically have an arsenal. The average criminal is most likely to have a blade or a club. You just can't afford more and you'll have to convince me if you can. And even if you can afford one, they are illegal most of the time. Arrows: 2Β§ each Axe, Hand: 12Β§ Bayonet: 20Β§ Blunderbuss: 3,000Β§ Brass Knuckles: 12Β§ Bomb: 100Β§ Bow: 12Β§+ Bullwhip: 5Β§ Cannon, Light: 10,000Β§ Cat-O-Nine-Tails: 5Β§ Cutlass: 100Β§ Dagger: 20Β§ Grenade: 50Β§ Knife: 12Β§ Musket: 3,000Β§+ Pistol: 2,000Β§+ Pistols, Dueling: 10,000Β§+ a set (includes box and accessories) Rifle: 4,000Β§+ Saber: 150Β§ Sword, Silvered: 1,000Β§+ Sap: 5Β§ Spear: 20Β§ Sword Cane: 300Β§ Black Powder & Wadding: 1Β§ per shot Bullets: 1Β§ each[/indent][/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛Property and Rentalsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Places To Lay Your Head][indent] Remember, unless you are Upper Class you don't own land or buildings - you rent from an Upper Class family or the bank. Ancient Castle: 5,000,000Β§+ Inn Bed, Shared: 2Β§ a night Inn Room, Private: 12Β§ a night Rental, Country Hovel: 720Β§ a year Rental, Farm (1 acre): 240Β§ a year Rental, Middle Class Townhouse: 6,000Β§ a year Rental, Squalid Urban Apartment: 18Β§ per week Rental, Urban Mansion: 200,000pΒ§+ year Upper Class Urban House: 192,000Β§+ Manor Home: 12,000,000Β§+ Farmland (1 acre): 500Β§ a year Land, Forest (1 acre): 25Β§ a year Land, Swamp (1 acre): 20Β§ a year[/indent][/hider] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛Servicesβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/i][/color] [hider=When things need to be done][indent]Assassination: 240Β§+ Asylum (per person committed): 1,000Β§ Accounting: 30Β§ a day Bloodletting: 3Β§ Carpentry: 15Β§ a day, plus materials Chimney-sweeping: 4Β§ a chimney Doctor’s Visit: 120-500Β§ (Remember most doctors are quacks.) Fortuneteller (per fortune): 5Β§ General Labor: 12Β§ a day Grave Digging: 12Β§ a grave Hairdressing: 4Β§ Mail, Letter Delivered: 5Β§ per sheet Mail, Parcel Delivered: 15Β§ per ounce Modiste (Woman's High Fashion Designer): 100Β§ a visit Nitpicking: 5Β§ Rat-Catching: 12Β§ a night School: 500-3000Β§ per year Shaving & Barbering: 4Β§ Surgery: 100Β§+ per surgery Tailoring: 65Β§+ a day Tutoring: 5,700Β§ a year Washing Clothes: 5Β§ a basket[/indent][/hider] [/indent][/i] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 11 - Capacities] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]ℍuman 𝕃imitations[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] Everyone has their limits, even you. Now, these are just a few examples of human limits. Now granted this is not all of them but they should give you a good idea of how limits are figured out for this RP and what is taken into account. [i][indent][color=rosybrown][b]Blood:[/b][/color] You can lose one pint without ill effects. After that you temporarily lose 2 points Constitution and 1/3 current hp per additional pint lost. Hit 0 on either, it equals death. Average person has 8 pints of blood. [color=rosybrown][b]Carrying:[/b][/color] Average person can lift max 50lbs plus 10 times Strength. So a person with a strength of 10 can lift and carry 150lbs. Anything more than half max and you suffer from the Encumbered Affliction. [color=rosybrown][b]Dragging:[/b][/color] A person can drag a maximum weight equal to 20 times their Strength score. A quarter of that maximum weight can be dragged at full Speed, half of it at half max speed, three-quarters at one quarter max speed, and dragging the maximum weight reduces Speed to a trudge. [color=rosybrown][b]Hearing:[/b][/color] Human beings can hear sounds between the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. A Wisdom Check can enable a person to hear their name spoken in a crowded room. The maximum range at which human speech could be understood is 600 feet. [color=rosybrown][b]Holding Breath:[/b][/color] Can hold your breath for a max time of 10 times constitution score before blacking out. [color=rosybrown][b]Hunger:[/b][/color] A person can survive without eating for a number of days equal the person's Constitution score plus 7. For every day past the first the character will suffer the Affliction β€œFatigued”. [color=rosybrown][b]IQ:[/b][/color] Is equal to Intelligence score times 10 and then add 10. (Example - INT: 10 - IQ: 110) [color=rosybrown][b]Jumping:[/b][/color] A person can make a running jump equal in feet to their Dexterity score. They can make a standing jump equal in feet to one half their Dexterity. [color=rosybrown][b]Laboring:[/b][/color] A person can exert themselves at hard labor for as many hours a day as their Constitution score. Exertion for longer than that inflicts the Affliction β€œFatigued”, resulting in a -3 Penalty to all physical actions. Sleeping for at least 6 hours dispels Fatigue. [color=rosybrown][b]Lifting:[/b][/color] A person can safely lift 20 times Strength score in pounds over their head. It is possible for a person to lift up to 60 times their strength score in extreme circumstances. [color=rosybrown][b]Pushing Wheeled Vehicle:[/b][/color] A character can pull a cart weighing a maximum of 40 times their Strength score in pounds. A quarter of that maximum weight can be pulled at full Speed, half of it at half speed, three-quarters at quarter speed, and the pulling the maximum weight reduces speed to a trudge. [color=rosybrown][b]Pushing:[/b][/color] A person can push a non-wheeled object equal to 10 times their Strength score in pounds. A quarter of that maximum weight can be pulled at full Speed, half of it at half speed, three-quarters at quarter speed, and the pulling the maximum weight reduces speed to a trudge. [color=rosybrown][b]Running:[/b][/color] A person can run at full speed for 1 minute per point of Constitution, or at half full speed for as many hours as their Constitution score. [color=rosybrown][b]Staying Awake:[/b][/color] A person can stay awake for hours equal to their Constitution + 8. The average person with a Constitution of 9 can thus stay safely awake for 17 hours. Staying awake longer than that inflicts the Affliction β€œConfused”, resulting in a -3 Penalty to all Ability Checks that require thought. For each full day that a character stays awake, they also suffer 1 point of HP damage. [color=rosybrown][b]Thirst:[/b][/color] A person can survive without drinking water for a number of days equal to half their Constitution score. After the first 12 hours the character will suffer the Affliction β€œFatigued”. [color=rosybrown][b]Walking:[/b][/color] A person can walk or jog for as many hours a day as their Constitution score. The maximum rate that can be maintained is equal to the Speed score in miles per hour. Walking for longer than the maximum time inflicts the Affliction β€œFatigued”, resulting in a -3 Penalty to all physical actions. Sleeping for at least 6 hours dispels Fatigue. [/indent][/i] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 12 - Weather And Storms] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝕄eteorology[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [i][indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛The Stormsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent] The Storms define Rutas Mu. They have been there as long as any can remember and there is no sign they will be dying off anytime soon. They divide the world, where it could be faster if they were not there to travel east until you reach the east once again, one cannot. A ship has never entered the storms and come out again. The storms are not just in the sky but fall all the way to the earth and the sea. Stretching from the heavens to the horizon with purple and green clouds, flashes of lightning going off constantly. Rain falls in sheets and the winds can capsize a boat getting even within a mile of the Storms edge. That is even if they can get that close on the sea. The waves are up to 70 feet and they curl and crash with the force of a bomb on a wooden ship, shattering it and sending it to the deep as it is swallowed. On land the scars in the mountains clearly show where the strikes of lightning have hit, creating large ravines that can be seen from further off peaks miles away. Why they are there the people are not sure but most believe that is just the way their world works and why they have no celestial bodies in the sky. All they have is a changing of light and a film of cloud above that is their heavens. What is above that, everything else. Perhaps one day technology will allow them to see beyond but for now, the heavens are beyond their reach, the sky in-fact does have its limits. A star? No one has ever seen. [/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛The Seasonsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent][b][color=rosybrown]Spring:[/color][/b][list][*] [b]Temperature:[/b] Ranges on average from 22F-59F (Lowest on record is 8F - Highest on record is 77F)[*] [b]Precipitation:[/b] Rains on average 3 inches per month. (Average Precipitation Days is 8 per month) [*] [b]Light:[/b] Light rises starting at 6 am. Full light at 10 am. Light begins to dwindle at 4 pm. Night light sets in fully at 8 pm.[*] [b]Details:[/b] Springs are mild with low winds and few storms. The humidity is runs high during the spring due to the amount of rain but the Spring shows are pleasant and soft on average. [/list] [b][color=rosybrown]Summer:[/color][/b][list][*] [b]Temperature:[/b] Ranges on average from 54F-79F (Lowest on record is 39F. Highest on record is 96F) [*][b]Precipitation:[/b] Rains on average 1 inch per month. (Average Precipitation Days is 5 per month)[*] [b]Light:[/b] Light rises starting at 4 am. Full light at 6 am. Light begins to dwindle at 8 pm. Night light sets in fully at 10 pm. [*] [b]Details:[/b] While there isn't a lot of precipitation during the Summer there are plenty of storms. High winds come in and can knock over unsecured items. Lightning strikes become a daily thing and there is hardly a day that passes that in the afternoon something isn't struck, causing fires. The humidity is high and makes everything muggy and miserable during the Summer months.[/list] [b][color=rosybrown]Fall:[/color][/b][list][*] [b]Temperature:[/b] Ranges on average from 24F-54F (Lowest on record is 12F. Highest on record is 67F)[*] [b]Precipitation:[/b] Rains on average 5 inches per month. (Average Precipitations Days is 8 per month)[*] [b]Light:[/b] Light rises starting at 6 am. Full light at 10 am. Light begins to dwindle at 4 pm. Night light sets in fully at 8 pm.[*] [b]Details:[/b] Harvest season is wet and dreary. The storms have moved out but it is replaced with chilling rains and chilled humid air. It lingers and makes the field so muddy harvest is a chore at the best of times. Falls moves in quickly creating a drastic change but the worst everyone knows is to come. [/list] [b][color=rosybrown]Winter:[/color][/b][list][*] [b]Temperature:[/b] Ranges on average from 4F-36F (Lowest on record is -18F. Highest on record is 42F)[*] [b]Precipitation:[/b] Rains on average 9 inches per month. (Average Precipitations Days is 12 per month)[*] [b]Light:[/b] Light rises starting at 9 am. Full light at 11 am. Light begins to dwindle at 3 pm. Night light sets in fully at 5 pm.[*] [b]Details:[/b] Winters are a time to close the shutters and hunker down. Winter storms can come in out of no where and you can get snowed in for days at a time. Lightning, wind, hail. It just gets grayer and grayer and grayer. Though, those days when the clouds break, the snow stops, and the light is bright it is truly breath-taking. [/list] [/indent][/indent][/i][/hider] [hider=Appendix 13 - Fashion] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]π•Žhat 𝕋o π•Žear[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] Before we get into just what people in this RP wear, let's talk a little bit about how things are made. You see there are no sewing machines so EVERYTHING is sewn by hand. Even the most upper class know how to sew and will spend time mending or making their own under garments. It is just something everyone learns so unless you are creating something elaborate, it will be assumed that you know the basics and can mend or create basic day to day items. It is rare to find anything premade unless it is hose or cloaks or found second hand. Everything is custom made. It just has to be. On top of that, remember that much of what is worn is created from older fabrics. Looms are hard to come by and creating new fabric is not something done often due to the technological and educational limitations of the population. Much of what is worn today is re-purposed from other items of clothing worn. People are careful with their clothing and even more so when they are taking apart an older item to reuse the material. Because there are frays and tears, because the world is made up of much they don't understand the original use of, because they have to find ways to use things for items they normally wouldn't you can find the oddest of items on clothing for ~fashion~ - from quill tips to gears can be used as an accessory. It has beginning steam punk fashion crossed with the decadence of say what you would picture the French wearing in the 1700's. [i][indent][color=rosybrown][b]ΰΉ‘Ϋ©β†›π•Œpper β„‚lassβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent]If you got it, flaunt it. Money that is. The clothing of the upper class is out there. Tons of colors, striking contrasts, elaborate items layered over the most luxurious of fabrics. Make up can be worn by either gender and they do anything they want with it to make themselves more stunning in appearance even if without it they are just homely. The contour is strong. Wealthy men commonly wear breeches (with stockings), a shirt (often with ruffled sleeves), a waistcoat (often sleeveless), and a long coat (which may extend to the knees) over linen undergarments. Men will often wear wigs, powdered or otherwise, tricorn/top/round hats. Some wigs can reach two or three feet in height and in tons of colors! Or they may wear none at all, styling their hair long and dark or short and slick. Foot wear can be anything from knee high riding boots to low healed shoes with intricate buckles. The women are even more out there. More fabric, more details, higher wigs, taller hats, platform shoes, striking heels. Skirts an be long or short, so full it makes it hard to get through a door or so narrow it leaves little to the imagination of what her figure looks like beneath it. It can take an Upper Class woman two hours just to dress with the aide of several maids. (An Upper Class woman NEVER dresses herself no matter how simple the attire. It just isn't done.) Examples include but are not limited to: [hider=Upper Class Fashion] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/fDFju8/Upperclass.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛𝕄iddle β„‚lassβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent]Hovering somewhere between Lower and Upper, the Middle Class have a wider variety of options of what they wear. The more they have the more they try to look like the Upper Class. A lot of the time they will take second hand items from the Upper Class and just remove some of the adornments and refit it for them. Or they will wear as is. While the Upper Class are dressed to the nines no matter what, the Middle Class will change clothing depending on what they are doing. While they have funds to get ahold of a lot of fine items they cannot afford the upkeep if something happens to it. Examples include but are not limited to: [hider=Middle Class Fashion] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/j2uoMo/Middle_Class.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛𝕃ower β„‚lassβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent]When you are living hand to mouth you take what you can get. Now, that doesn't mean you don't try but finding something to were can be difficult. Theft is a huge way the lower class are able to cloth themselves. And clothing they have to buy or make for themselves has to be plain. Much of the time it is dirty and worn out even more than the upper and middle class, of course it is. If you are lucky enough to be employed in the military or as a servant your work clothing is provided for you. Yet even then it isn't the best. Just enough to keep people from constantly turning their noses up to you. Clothing tends to be earth colors, you just cannot afford pretty things. Or nice things. Or many things. In fact you might have 1 and only 1 set of clothing and pray just for privacy when you wash it once a month. Now sometimes they are able to get a hold of something nice but once again that is from theft or if you are the luckiest, which if you are lower class chances you aren't lucky, you have a single heirloom piece from a family member that is handed down like a wedding gown that has been worn by every woman in the last five generations. Or you could be a guy that was handed down a wedding dress and re-purposed it. Examples include but are not limited to: [hider=Lower Class Fashion] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/jQ8PcT/Lower_Class.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [/indent][/indent][/i][/hider] [hider=Appendix 14 - Government] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]π•Žho ℝuns 𝕋he π•Žorld[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] This is a Kingdom, ruled by the Nobility. A classist civilization where one is in control and they are the crown. There are few civil rights. Your rights come from your wealth but that wealth is largely based on which family you were born in, that is if you even know that. Few ever climb up the ranks from one class to another. To become nobility is impossible. You must be born into it. They keep to themselves. How they were chosen no one knows but it isn't changing anytime soon. Don't get me wrong there is plenty of backstabbing in the royal courts but it is not something you will worry about - yet. Right now you just need to know the following - You are not nobility, you are not married into a noble family. Only the highest of Upper Class will deal with the Crown - we will NOT start off with any ties to them. Let's keep it simple. Below you will find a basic breakdown of the government. [i][indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛Your Crownβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent] [b]Political Structure:[/b] Oligarchy - family [b]Leader:[/b] [url=http://www.joblo.com/newsimages1/queenscots.jpg]Queen Marje'[/url] (Unmarried) [b]Strong Influence[/b]: Popular support [b]Popular Issue:[/b] Lack of technology [b]Stability:[/b] Shaky [b]Personal Freedoms:[/b] Somewhat repressed [b]Scandals:[/b] Frequent [b]Strength:[/b] Strong, but declining [b]Wealth:[/b] In the hands of the elite [b]Frequent Trouble:[/b] Plagues [b]Highly Values:[/b] Social status [b]Popular Entertainment:[/b] Gossip [b]Military Strength:[/b] Average [b]Soldiers:[/b] Volunteers [b]Main Use:[/b] Quenching Rebellion [b]Urban:[/b] 10% [b]Rural:[/b] 90% [b]Literacy Rate:[/b] 5% [b]Gender Ratio:[/b] 0.88 male(s)/female [b]Fertility Rate:[/b] 1 children/family [b]Life Expectancy:[/b] 42.2 years [b]The Law:[/b] Few and unjust. Whoever is the local authorities or military are in control. They do what they want when they want. Some are fair but more common than not they can be bribed to say or so anything. Things like murder, rape, tax evasion, theft are crimes but who pays is up to who is caught and charged. Many innocents are punished for crimes they didn't commit. [b]Drugs:[/b] Legal and given out like candy if you have the funds. A pharmacist will doll out whatever you like. There are no laws outside of Mercury. Only a Doctor may prescribe that. [b]Death:[/b] Mot deaths are caused by what is classified by as natural causes, though that is hardly the case. What the true cause is usually hidden. Secret. Around 12% of the population is killed openly. 5% commits suicide. [b]Taxes:[/b] Taxes are paid and they are many. On everything, even just surviving. Those that don't pay can end up in debtors prisons or worse. The Crown spends much to keep the Crown housed and taken care of beyond all others. What remains goes mostly to the military to keep the peace within Rutas Mu as there is only 1 ruling body and to infrastructure due to the crumbling of buildings. Nothing goes to public education, you must pay for schooling. (Most of what is known is just handed down word of mouth, there are few books. What books that we do have are recently written within the last 300 years.) [b]Economy:[/b] 25% comes from taxes, 65% from Private Sector, the rest from Underground and Illegal Markets. Despite everything the Crown is very popular, the Queen knows how to keep the hoard at bay and play the classes against each other to remain in power and keep the over all way of life held at a status quo. [/indent][/indent][/i][/hider] [hider=Appendix 15 - The Apothecary] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝕄r. 𝕂aleidoscope's 𝔸pothecary[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [i][indent] Welcome to the Medicine Cabinet. To keep things simple, well as simple as possible, medicine in this Rp is divided into two categories: Addictive and Nonaddictive. Taking anything listed here for either medical or recreational use can get you hooked on the drug or not. Most items are natural, and while seeing "All Natural" in the grocery store now a days might mean it's good for you - being natural here in the Illusory Liaisons Saga isn't always a good thing. Most ~cures~ are just old wives tales, more a placebo than anything. That doesn't mean they don't do something for you but it isn't always exactly what they suspect. Granted some natural remedies do work, or at least help. Others though, they can be deadly even in small doses. If not deadly they can be very addictive. Thing is though, what one would think of as modern medicine is still in its infancy right now, so that means so is its pharmacy. Though truth be told, most people visit the apothecary to get their next fix more than they do to cure a disease. *[color=ed1c24]Hypodermic needles have NOT been invented yet. So when something is listed as ~injected~ it means that an animal bladder is being used as your ~syringe~ and a goose quill is your ~needle~ - using a similar principle of an quill and inkwell.[/color] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛𝔸ddictiveβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] Chances are if you use any of these you will get addicted. There is a chance of death, the more you use the higher the chance. Yet with risk comes perks - which these drugs have in a sense. Be careful. [hider=Addictive Drug List] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Alcohol (Slight Intoxication):[/color][/i][/b] Because of bad water conditions nearly every man woman and child drink 2-3% alcohol drinks as their throughout the day liquid. This is only if they drink something stronger such as Gin or Rum.[list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 2-4 strong drinks per hour[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Brave[*] Resistant to pain[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Clumsy[*] Slow Witted[*] Easily fooled[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save vs Constitution after pulling slight intoxication for days equal to constitution score.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 1 Hour[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Heavy Intoxication[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] Mild[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Alcohol (Heavy Intoxication):[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 5 or more strong drinks in an hour[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Brave [*] Strong [*] Resistant to pain[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Slow Witted[*] Clumsy[*] Obnoxious [*] Easily Fooled[*] Emotional[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] Immune to fear[*] +1 HP per level[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution after pulling Heavy Intoxication for 1/2 Days equal to Constitution.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 4 hours (then reduced to slight intoxication)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Death[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] Severe[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Caffeine (Coffee/Tea):[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 Cup Coffee/3 Cups Tea[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Quick-witted[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Impatient[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] Immune to sleep[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution after consuming daily for day equal to constitution.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 6 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Confusion[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] Mild[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Coca Lea:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 bunch of leaves or one cup of tea brewed from Coca Lea.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Resistant to pain[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Impatient[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] Immune to all but fatal effects of exhaustion.[*] Immune to all but fatal effects of caused by increased altitude.[*] Counteracts all natural and drug induced hunger.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save vs Constitution once every 3 doses.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 40 minutes[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Confusion[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] Mild[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Datura:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 drop extract of leaves or seed, 1 smoked seed[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Libidinous [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*]Clumsy[*] Delirious[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution or take 1d6 HP Damage.[*] Hallucinations (Save Vs Wisdom to stay focused on matter at hand)[*] Automatic Save Vs Anything fails when dealing with lighting effects.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution ever 1d6 doses[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 12 - 24 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Death or Permanent Coma[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] No effects[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Fly Agaric:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 to 6 mushroom caps (random per dose)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Nervous[*] Nauseous[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] Immunity to sleep effects[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Hallucinations (Save Vs Wisdom to stay focused on matter at hand)[*] Automatic Save fail against lighting effects[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution each 1d20 doses[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 8-12 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Insanity for 1d20 days[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Hashi:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 grain resin smoked[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Euphoric[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Slow Witted[*] Clumsy[*] Easily Panicked[*] Hungry[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] Immunity to all forms and causes of Nausea[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution 1d8 doses[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 3 Hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Panic[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] Mild[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Henbane:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 5 grains powdered leaf inhaled[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Libidinous [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Delirious[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Amnesia (Save Vs Wisdom or forget anything that happened during duration)[*] Save Vs Constitution or fall asleep each hour during duration.[*] Save Vs Constitution or take 1 time 1d6 HP Damage.[*] Hallucinations (Save Vs Constitution to stay focused on matter at hand)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution 1d4 Doses[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 12 - 24 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Death or Permanent Coma[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] No effects[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Mandrake:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Extract of one root diluted in a glass of wine or water[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Resistant to Cold [*] Libidinous [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Delirious[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] +1 Savings throw to pain effects[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Clothing becomes uncomfortable in all but the coldest of conditions.[*] Save Vs Constitution or take 1 time 1d6 HP Damage[*] Hallucinations (Save Vs Wisdom to stay focused on matter at hand.)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution ever 1d8 Doses[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 12 - 24 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Death or Permanent Coma[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] No Effects[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Nightshade:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1d4 berries[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Libidinous[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Delirious[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] +1 Additional Save Vs Pain[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution or take 1d6 HP Damage AND 1d6 Temporary Reduction in Constitution AND lose the ability to speak until duration ends.[*] Hallucinations (Save Vs Wisdom to stay focused on task at hand.)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution each 1d4 doses[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 12 - 24 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Death or Permanent Coma[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] No effects[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Oh La:[/color][/i][/b] Openly available in EVERY apothecary shop - Frequently given to children.[list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 Pill of Oh swallowed or 1 dram of La drank[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Euphoric[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Nausea [*] Clumsy[*] Sleepy[*] Slow Witted[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] Immunity to all pain[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Constitution each hour or fall asleep[*] Constipation[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*]Save Vs Constitution each dose[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 4 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Death[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] Severe[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Tobacco:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 cigar[*] 2 cigarettes [*] 1 pipe bowl[*] 1 pinch snuff[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] Patient[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Automatic Fails on Save Vs inhaled attacks[*] Double chances of contracting respiratory illness[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Wisdom each week of use.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 30 minutes[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] 1d2 damage from coughing, nausea, and vomiting[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] Mild[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Peyo:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Dozen Peyot Flowers dried and smoked[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Asset:[/color][list][*] None[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Temporary Affliction:[/color][list][*] Nausea [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Benefit:[/color][list][*] Immune to sleep effects[*] Grants 1 Save Vs Constitution Throw to cure disease (Including addiction oddly enough)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Special Danger:[/color][list][*] Hallucinations (Save Vs Wisdom to stay focused on task at hand)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Addiction:[/color][list][*] Save Vs Wisdom ever 1d4 doses[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Duration:[/color][list][*] 8 - 12 hours[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Insanity 1d20 Days[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Withdrawal:[/color][list][*] No Effects[/list] [/list][/hider] [center][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/center] [color=rosybrown][i][b]๑۩↛ℕonaddictiveβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘ [/b][/i][/color] [indent] Nonaddictive medications are listed a bit differently than the addictive types because there isn't as much to worry about roll wise with them. If you have a question, just ask. This isn't an all inclusive list mind you, just some examples. Please remember just because they aren't addictive doesn't mean they aren't dangerous[/indent] [hider=Nonaddictive Drug List] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Salt Peter:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1 pinch in liquid or sprinkled over food[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] To curb lustful urges[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Fuck no (every pun intended)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Stomach pains, blue lips and nails, headache, confusion[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Arsenic:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Syrup form, teaspoon once a day[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Treating STD's, cancer, skin conditions[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] To a point but not really[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Vomiting, diarrhea that contains blood, thick and dark skin, cancer[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Zinc:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Rubbed on chest in ointment or ingest by small powder amount[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Colds, the sniffles[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Can be rather effective if used early[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Nausea, vomiting, pain, cramps and diarrhea[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Silver:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Cream or liquid on open wounds[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Keep infection at bay[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Very (at least people think it is)[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Argyria[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Bismuth:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Teaspoon in liquid, drunk[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Upset stomach, heartburn, gas, diarrhea, nausea, indigestion[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Very for mild cases[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Thirst, anxiety, muscle spasm, ringing in your ears, dizziness, confusion, severe headache, problems with speech or vision, severe stomach pain, or worsening diarrhea or vomiting.[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Rose Water:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Applied to the skin as needed in various creams or as is[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Various skin conditions[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Can be for short periods of time[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Blamed for hyper sexuality[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Belladonna:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Berries cooked, liquid drank[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Said to cure possession and mental disorders[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Oh they think it is, but I guess death cures all our problems. [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Unconsciousness and death. (Kidnappers and assassins love this shit)[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Castor Oil:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] As needed - applied liberally or ingesting[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] This is the supposed cure all. Upset stomach, Castor Oil. Losing your hair, Castor Oil. Kids acting up, Castor Oil. Cat pregnant with puppies, Castor Oil. [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Most things no but it does help with moisturizing the skin, cleaning wounds, minor constipation. [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] If you don't know when to stop may you crap yourself to death. I'll laugh, seriously. I will laugh. [/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Mint:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Leaves chewed, pressed oil or dried leaves for tea, in ointments[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Calming nerves, stomach upset, opening sinuses, helping coughs. [/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Very for minor issues[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Dizziness, slow heartbeat, kidney stones[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Aloe:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Sap used as is on skin[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Treats various skin conditions and burns[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Does rather well.[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Do not ingest - can cause stomach issues and is said to cause miscarriage.[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Juniper:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Berries in various ways of consuming - rest: drunk after being steeped like a tea[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] UTI's, Kidney and Bladder Stones, snakebites, diabetes, cancer[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] For urinary issues - yes if caught early[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Berries are perfectly safe when eaten in normal amounts. Rest can be toxic in high doses. Not allowed during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, can cause SIDS and Miscarriage.[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Cream Tartar:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] 1/4 teaspoon under the tongue[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Treating constipation and addiction[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Constipation: yes - Addiction: Debatable[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Malaise, palpitations, and muscle weakness.[/list] [/list] [b][i][color=rosybrown]Camphor:[/color][/i][/b][list][*][color=rosybrown]Dose:[/color][list][*] Rubbed on the skin[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Purpose:[/color][list][*] Respiratory issues, physical nerve sensitivity, fever, calming children, stomach issues, muscle aches[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Effectiveness:[/color][list][*] Thought to be[/list] [*][color=rosybrown]Overdose:[/color][list][*] Burning of the mouth or the throat, tremors, twitching facial muscles, seizures, excessive thirst, muscle spasms, rigid muscles[/list] [/list] [/hider] [/indent][/i] [/hider] [hider=Appendix 16 - Flora and Fauna] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]Animals And Plants[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] Now, I am hardly going to take the time to try to list out every last plant and animal that you could come across in Rutas Mu. (Or the local tongue for them) - So here I am giving you a general list of things you would find on Rutas Mu. This is hardly every one of them, it is the smallest and most basic of samples. Yet I hope it gives you a bit of an idea. All flora and fauna would be found in appropriate climate settings. If you want to see if there might be something not listed on Rutas Mu, you need only ask. (And again, the answer could very well be - No Spoilers.) [i][indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛Animalβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent]Horned Frog Albatross Retriever Seal Bulldog Prawn Elephant Cattle Dog Wallaby Dusky Dolphin Heron Quoll Hare Howler Monkey Mastiff Mountain Lion Butterfly Fish Poison Dart Frog Uguisu Horn Shark Water Vole Eleuth Crocodile Mole Caiman Bottle Nosed Dolphin Sea Squirt Woodpecker Hound Baboon Copperhead Giant Schnauzer Pink Fairy Armadillo Jellyfish Bull Mastiff Pike Badger Pig Raccoon Dog Flounder Clawed Frog Uakari Cat Capybara Bull Terrier Crane WolfHound Elk Fox Vulture Rooster Great Dane Gerbil Nightingale [/indent] [color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛Plantβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] [indent]Kumarahou – Pomaderris kumeraho Wall speedwell – Veronica arvensis Tomato – Solanum lycopersicum Potato – Solanum tuberosum Mahogany birch – Betula lenta Tomato – Solanum lycopersicum Durian pulu – Durio kutejensis White-root – Asclepias tuberosa Winter rocket – Barbarea vulgaris Bur oak – Quercus macrocarpa Winter gilliflower – Hesperis matronalis Champion oak – Quercus rubra White ash – Fraxinus americana Nodding onion – Allium cernuum Hedge plant – Maclura pomifera Tobacco plant – Nicotiana Mango – Mangifera indica Kimberly queen fern – Nephrolepis obliterata Lily leek – Allium moly Sword fern – Nephrolepis exaltata Island oak – Quercus. tomentella Goodding willow – Salix gooddingii Brown Betty – Rudbeckia hirta Pleurisy root – Asclepias tuberosa Thimbleweed – Rudbeckia laciniata Silverleaf maple – Acer saccharinum Lily leek – Allium moly Field sow thistle – Sonchus arvensis Wild hops – Clematis virginiana Rocketcress – Barbarea vulgaris Butterfly weed – Asclepias tuberosa Red oak – Quercus rubra, Quercus coccinea Yellow fumewort – Corydalis flavula Trailing violet nightshade – Solanum dulcamara Swamp dogwood – Cornus amomum Dame's gilliflower – Hesperis matronalis Nodding thistle – Carduus nutans L. Honey mesquite – Prosopis glandulosa Gray alder – Alnus incana Tree onion – Allium canadense False boxwood – Cornus florida Butterfly weed – Asclepias tuberosa Kittentail – Veronica bullii Kousa – Cornus kousa Judas-tree – Cercis siliquastrum Polkweed – Symplocarpus foetidus [/indent][/indent][/i][/hider] [hider=Appendix 17 - Interior Of Shadowell Manor] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]𝔸mbiance[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] It would take an eternity and a day to custom map out all the interiors of Shadowell. Now, don't get me wrong, some rooms I will provide specific images for as the moment calls for it. Yet for now, this is you mood setting images. None of these are actually of Shadowell and please don't go ~well this is in that rooms image~ because I'm just gonna smack you. The following images are just to give you a feel within the manor. Typical wall and floor colors and materials, general feel and style. Nothing more. [i][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/mBw3P9/Interior1.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/bG2cj9/Interior2.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/j0XzxU/interior3.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/h5Zq49/Interior4.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/hNXMBp/Interior5.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/h8tiP9/Interior6.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/mOHorp/Interior7.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/jDtiP9/Interior8.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/fEXorp/Interior9.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/cQYuWp/Interior10.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/gJZOP9/Interior11.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/iUyTrp/Interior12.jpg[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/foFVGV/lunar-ballroom.jpg[/img][/center][/i][/hider] [right][h3][b][i][color=rosybrown]β„‚redits[/color][/i][/b][/h3][color=rosybrown]β‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Žβ‰Ž[/color][/right] [indent][i] Nothing is truly ever fully original anymore and inspiration comes from many places. This Rp is a prime example of that. From music to art work, from legends and lore to history, and even other Rp systems all played a huge role in the creation of this RP series. This is a list of the major influences for this Rp and Art work used. It is not all the art as I could not find original artists for every piece. Should you see yours used in the Rp and it is not credited, please contact me and I will fix that post haste. [indent][color=rosybrown][b]๑۩↛ℂreditsβ†šΫ©ΰΉ‘[/b][/color] DJ Hanley for massive inspiration, maps, and more. Rp System off Altered G.A. TTRPG. Original world map by Christian Stiehl, Creative Commons licensed: edited by Lady A RP. Title Image by Lady A Rp. Other Image Credits: J. Brown, R. Tran, F. Att, R. Griffiths, A Limonick, S. Wang, J. Powell, J. Peabody, S. Dannart, Arunnain, M. Allsopp, T. Rudolph, P. Puggioni, C. Chan, L. Morse, Rowiel, M. Veron, Weta Works, 2 Temple Place[/indent][/i][/indent]