[color=f7941d]"Don't you start..."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"I'm sorry, miss Reign~. I didn't mean to upset you~."[/color] Copperhead and her corral snake friend were behind the tree line next to a freeway. Cars, trucks, vans, and more bustled on this stone obstacle. [color=8dc73f]"I'm simply saying it might be your only way~."[/color] Copperhead bit her upper lip out of nervousness. [color=f7941d]"If I make one mistake, I'll get hit, probably unconscious, and later dead. I'm fast, but I'm not the Flash from TV."[/color] she said in protest. The snake popped his head out of her pack. He stuck his tongue in her ear. [color=f7941d]"HEEESSSSHHH! What the hell?! Why did you do that?"[/color] the snake seemed to be laughing. [color=8dc73f]"You doubted yourself again~. Don't doubt yourself again and I won't do it~. Look, we just need to cross this road, then we simply have a day of walking to get there~. Half that if you run and swim~."[/color] he hissed at her. She sighed. [color=f7941d]"Fine, you win. But only if you promise to look for lunch this time."[/color] she said poking his snout. He shook his head then nodded. She looked at the road again and shook her head. [color=f7941d]"Sargent Scarlet Reign, you must be out of your damn mind."[/color] and she sprinted into traffic. As soon as she reached pavement she jumped. She landed on the top of a truck trailer. She dug in her claws and held on. She saw her next landing spot as a moving truck. She jumped again, this time barely making it. She got low and held on with all of her limbs. A oil truck, two lanes away, was the best she could find. She pounced, grabbing the cab, which scared the hell out of the driver, but he kept driving. She noticed a few other drivers staring at her wide-eyed. She smiled at a small family, but her fangs showed, and she clamped her hand on her mouth. One of the kids in the car looked like he was saying cool. The mother of the family was scrambling for her phone. The father, well he looked like he was trying to convince himself she didn't exist. She shook her head in amusement, then jumped again. She made it to the other side. She ran as far away from the road as possible. When she figured she was in the clear, she slowed her pace. She came across a stream and she stopped, exhausted. She flopped down on the small coast of the running water. She scooped sum up and splashed her face. The coral snake slithered out of her pack and into the stream. [color=8dc73f]"There is fish in this water~. Want some of that~?"[/color] the snake said while slithering through the water playfully. [color=f7941d]"No, takes to long to clean, but you can go ahead if you want."[/color] Copperhead dug through her pack and found a protein bar she scavenged from James, the man she killed yesterday. She looked at the meager meal and sighed. She heard something bumble through the bushes. She let out her fangs and hissed. The bumbling got louder. Then, out of the bushes came- a turkey? The bird was in an aggressive stance. Something was on it's territory, and it wanted the intruder gone. Copperhead laughed. [color=f7941d]"Hey snake, I found lunch. Hes hes hes!"[/color] she said with amusement. The turkey gobbled meanly at her. She shook her head. The bird charged her, but then, in a flash of movement, it became decapitated. It's body still charged, then flopped over. The coral snake slithered into her lap. [color=8dc73f]"Wow, that's a big bird~. Can I have a piece~?"[/color] She laughed, retracting her fangs to lessen her hissing. After the bird had been cooked and consumed, Copperhead continued her journey. She ran through the woods, hoping to reach the mansion by dark. The snake's head was out of the pack, bobbing up and down. She trotted between trees, over dens, in bushes and brambles. The afternoon sun failed to reach through rain clouds that moved in. She jabbed her tongue out every now and then to help guide her, but the rain sometimes misdirected her. She saw some lights through the trees that were not that of lightning, or what light the clouds let through. She quickened her pace towards the lights. She came to the tree line of the property after dark, but she made it. She straightened what clothing she still had, and splashed some water from a puddle on her dirty scales. She hefted her pack and walked to the back door. She knocked as loud as possible. [color=f7941d]"Hello?! Anybody home?!"[/color] She went to the window and peeked in. Nobody. [color=8dc73f]"The front maybe~?"[/color] so Copperhead went around the building to the front, seeing to people she decided to announce her presence. [color=f7941d]"Helloss? Isss thisss the sssanctuary? For sssupersss?"[/color] she said with nervous hisses. [@The One]