There’s not much of a debate to be had if she’s going to make other players uncomfortable, and if there’s already potential compromise. All the same, [i]I’m gonna argue anyway, because if there’s anything I hate, it’s being patronized over a goddamn roleplay:[/i] the examples I gave and explanation I’m continuing to give altogether mean to imply she could still be [i]interacted[/i] with; there’s absolutely no intention to put Yashaba on a higher level than any other character. I have no reason to believe this wasn’t communicated in any part of me my past messages, or ever in my sign-up, because they’ve never been explicitly referred to. Hence why I’m uncomfortable with her being denied [i]on principle[/i] — I don’t really feel like I’ve made an error, just that my character doesn’t fit within what was envisioned for the cast, despite processing everything as a human would, despite being able to communicate more or less the same as a humanoid just with more creativity involved on [i]my[/i] behalf — say Yasha is in a situation where she can’t talk out loud and has to throw her voice, that’d be [i]my[/i] decision. You’ll have to excuse any perceivable accusation; this is just an issue of miscommunication, as I see it, and likely me projecting what I think makes for an idyllic GM: communicating their opinions on a player-character in forthright manner; working with more oddball ideas to fit within context to the best of their ability — that’s entirely subjective, and I can’t hold you to it. Not to mention I’ve roleplayed with people who have tried to force weird fursonas into stuff, I know how it feels; I’m not a furry, just when it comes down to a neko girl or a talking cat, I’m always leaning talking cat, lol. And sure I could’ve gone with a Yuki-onna or something, but a necromancing cat? Too cool to pass up. [i]Not to mention the sign-up didn’t exactly take like 30-45 minutes to crank out; you’ll see why I’m being stubborn.[/i] But at the end of the day, again, I’m more concerned with being condescended over something relatively trivial than I am being accepted, so if this ultimately left a poor impression of me, it’s... honestly fine? Lol, I’ll just go focus on other things, I guess. I think I made my point pretty clear by now — I just wanted to clarify my position a little more. All the same, here’s the compromise reinstated: I rework Yashaba’s shape-shifting so she can take the form of a human, and I tweak her character a little so it better aligns with her perspective. If that works for you, I guess just let me know? Sorry for the disruption.