[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180530/72c415bb9a7f143a36806373b0b69075.png[/img][/center] Genevieve looked up at Judah, glad to have another trusted, familiar face present. She had ordered another drink to pass the time as the others talked about the vials, but that would be her last drink for the evening. Offers and deals were being discussed and although they didn't really concern her, she had to have a limit. A few moments later, she heard an all too familiar notification tone go off. Genevieve reached for her phone which was in one of the pockets in her jacket and saw she had a message from Judah. She eyed him monetarily, a small smile forming before she texted a quick reply explaining what had occurred, how their abilities were temporarily disabled. As she sent him the message, she wondered what his reaction would be like, or whether he'd react at all. She suddenly pictured him going all out, throwing chairs, attacking the Broker, etc. In all truthfulness, the idea wasn't far-fetched. It's not like they had voluntarily given up their powers. Once she was done, Genevieve put the phone down. She would watch as eventually, Judah would go over to Broker and start talking to him. She looked back for a moment but made it a point not to stare. Although the conversation didn't last long, and soon enough Judah made is way back and rejoined them at their table. "This is what happens when you don't want to believe your powers are gone," she replied, leaning forward on the table as to not raise her voice. She looked over at her phone that was sitting adjacent the half-empty glass after it went off again and read the message from the notification preview. Genevieve nodded slightly, a bit antsy to get out of there by that point.