[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjFmZjljNS5VR0Z5ZEhrZ2FHRnlaSGssLjAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/focused.filled-regular.png[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PreciousMemorableGroundhog-size_restricted.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/5337e9bbfee442d7ef39bd51e005cc05/tumblr_inline_o7ncgiD1wz1u6kza9_250.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/2ba1bc4fc2b390e328831d9557fc22ee/tumblr_inline_nehytgY2XH1slk5sm.gif[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQwLjFmZjljNS5UM0lnU25WemRDQlFZWEowZVQ4LC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/volumen.regular.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] "[color=lightsalmon]Wow, this is really loud![/color]" Nadia's excitement was only shared by Lucas, who had graciously opened the car door for her. After taking his hand and giving him a playful wink, the redhead looked around at all the cars parked and people filtering in. Whipping out her phone, she knew this was an ideal time for a Snap. After making sure her location was on, she quickly checked herself, spotting Victoire's somewhat sour look behind her. Nadia grinned, though she decided to put her phone away for the moment. Lucas was the one who had informed her about Santiago's party initially, and she didn't see why she would decline the invitation for a little fun. The school year had just started, but it was a nice way to formally say goodbye to summer. Or something. What did surprise her was when Victoire had wordlessly gotten into the car with them as well. She would have figured the strict President wouldn't dare sully her record by getting caught at a place where underage drinking was allowed, but there she was, bikini-clad with about zero fucks to give. As she tousled her hair, she realized Victoire was staring at her, obviously wondering why she was looking at her funny. She redirected her gaze at her phone, hitting the button to start the Snap. "[color=lightsalmon]Time to party![/color]" She announced as they walked, sticking her tongue out slightly. Lucas immediately jumped into the frame, slinging his arm around her shoulders. "[color=crimson]It's big, it's wild, it's amazing--and I'm not talking about the party, ladies,[/color]" He gave her phone a suggestive wink, managing to keep her trapped as she tried to push him away. "[color=lightsalmon]No! Oh, geez![/color]" She laughed as she posted it anyway, shoving him off her. As she adjusted the strap of her [url=https://typeset-beta.imgix.net/lovelace/uploads/1089/7d0afd40-f7a4-0133-e723-0a315da82319.jpg]black swimsuit[/url], her eyes started looking at the various people around. There were plenty of faces she recognized and some she didn't, but for the most part, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Once she made sure her waterproof case was secure, she turned to Victoire, though before she could ask what the dark haired girl wanted to do, Vic had already made a beeline for the alcohol. "[color=lightsalmon]She must be fun at parties,[/color]" She commented. Lucas grinned in agreement, temporarily taking his eyes off the cutie he spotted in the pool to reply. "[color=crimson]The best things in life are free, my friend. Just try not to go overboard, puking girls are a major turnoff,[/color]" He warned her, deciding to go ahead and leap into the pool. As the cool water refreshed him, he popped back up, his eyes on the girl who had jumped in. What the heck was her name again? Something with an E? No, S? A? Oh, who cares?